A blundering gran accidentally recreated an iconic Only Fools and Horses scene by crashing through her daughter’s door when it opened – just like Del Boy in the famous bar scene.

Hilarious Ring doorbell footage shows the moment Yvonne Cawthorne barrels through the front door into her startled daughter Paige Cawthorne’s home and ends up sprawled on the floor. Seconds earlier, the cheeky 64-year-old was captured pulling faces, sticking her tongue out and leaning on the door while peering into the camera waiting for the door to open.

Knowing the camera was connected to Paige’s phone, the retired nursing home worker thought she would see her monkeying around on the doorstep. But in scenes reminiscent of when Del Boy went to lean on the bar and fell through it, Yvonne was still peering through the peephole when the door suddenly opened and she tumbled over.

The 29-second clip shows the gran-of-five flying headfirst into the hallway before landing on the floor with a thud and bumping her head. She was not injured. The famous Only Fools and Horses bar scene went down in comedy history when first aired in the 1989 episode ‘Yuppy Love’.

Yvonne was messing about outside her daughter's home moments before
Yvonne was messing about outside her daughter’s home moments before (Image: Kennedy News and Media)

Del Boy and Trigger were trying to impress women in a wine bar when Del goes to casually lean on the recently lifted hatch and falls through it. In the Ring doorbell clip posted on January 16, Paige, 31, can be heard exclaiming ‘what have you just done?’ as she tries to help Yvonne up.

Tickled TikTok users have viewed the video, with the tagline ‘will never do this again’, more than 380,000 times. Yvonne, from Sheffield, said: “It is funny, I’m that sort of character. I walked up her path and I rang her doorbell. She’s always upstairs so I touched my eye to the door.

“She’s got a keyholder made of wood that she takes her keys off to unlock the door so I heard that or what I thought was that. I thought ‘oh, she’ll see me now so I’ll go back in front of the door’ but what she’d done was she’d actually unlocked it and I went flying through her door.

“It just happened in a split second and it was the most funny thing. We couldn’t believe it had happened. I was stood at the door one minute and I was laid on the floor the next. I did bang my head, but it didn’t bruise. I’m so glad those boxes were in the hallway, they cushioned my fall.

“We laughed even then without seeing the video. When I came home Paige sent me these laughing messages. She sent it (the video) to me and I couldn’t believe it. I put it on my TikTok and the stupid thing has gone viral. It’s not stopped, it’s still not stopping. Everybody’s reposting it.

“When I’ve gone on live, I’ve had people come into my live saying, ‘is it you that fell through the door?’ I absolutely saw the funny side, I wasn’t embarrassed one single bit. I was shocked at first because obviously I’m 64 years old and I don’t need to be falling in somebody’s hallway.”

TikTok users flooded the post with comments. One wrote: “Sorry I laughed but that was brilliant.” Another commented: “I hope you didn’t hurt yourself, but this is funny!!!”

One wrote: “This takes ‘falling head over heels’ to a whole different meaning.”