Council highway chiefs have been told again that the signage for one of the UK’s most lucrative bus gates should be improved, after a judge ruled against the authority in another tribunal ruling. Bristol Live readers are fed up with all the bus gates appearing across the city.

Adjudicator Robinson, the judge at the tribunal, said the signage warning drivers of the upcoming bus gate on Cumberland Road is legal and adequate – but the fact that so many drivers are still getting caught driving through it proves the signs should be improved. Mr Robinson said he had previously thrown out appeals by drivers challenging the signs, but had now changed his mind because of the sheer number of drivers still getting caught out as they head east from the Cumberland Basin to Bedminster Bridge and Redcliffe.

The ruling, which was made in February, has led to renewed calls for Bristol City Council to do more to prevent drivers getting caught by the Cumberland Road bus gate, with the issue to be raised again at full council this week. Commenters spoke out on the issue on the Bristol Post comments section.

One commenter, Basshead, said: “Very timely article as I have just had my appeal turned down for this bus gate. In some ways I’m glad I’m not the only one that is completely confused by the signage. Turning left out of Gas Ferry Road should simply be prohibited by a red circle sign.”

Bmw agreed, saying: “Looking at the bus gate on Cumberland Road, you can drive up to it from the Cottage Pub and you can drive away from it the other side, but for 35 metres it’s a bus gate, why? Does that short distance make the buses run faster? It’s a blatant money trap! When you come out of the boatyard car park there should be a sign on the opposite side of the road informing you of the money trap, also the sign should be further up the road so the sign is visible.”

Saytoday35 added: “I got caught by this a couple of years ago coming out of the SS Great Briton car park. No signage until you are actually turning, so you are meant to see this whilst checking traffic and pedestrians? No chance of avoiding it if you wish to turn left. Absolute rip-off. All this has made me ensure I don’t go to SS Great Britain or the Harbour side ever again.”

But Pioneer2508 said: “If you cannot decipher what the sign on the left means, then you should hand in your licence. I’d also add that as well as the fine for going through one of these bus gates, there should also be a charge of driving without due care and attention and three points on your licence.”

Ezergood agreed, adding: “The signs at the junction and at the bus gate itself are crystal clear.” and AdvisoryService101 wrote: “People drive in zombie mode, paying little or no attention to signs just following the instructions on out of date sat navs.”

But msanders disagreed, saying: “Half-a-dozen tribunal adjudicators ruled that the sign on the corner fails to give adequate information because it’s obscured on the approach by a brick wall. It isn’t just about using the correct signs, but also about placing them in a position where they can be seen.”

They continued: “The bus gate itself hasn’t been installed at the junction, but is instead 20 metres further east. That means it is far enough from the junction that it is not visible to a driver approaching the give way line, but close enough to mean that they are immediately upon the bus gate as soon as they turn left. Adjudicators ruled that, without adequate prior warning before making the turn, there was not enough time to assimilate the signs at the bus gate itself. THAT is why the design is fundamentally flawed. And THAT is why multiple adjudicators decided cases in favour of the drivers.”

6470 said: “The bus gates exist to take money from the motorist. That is why they are putting these money gates (bus gates) all over Bristol. The council says it’s about pollution but if it is why aren’t electric cars exempt and yet taxis can go through the gates?”

Chiefchupachup agreed, saying: “Exactly, if it was about pollution then BCC would work on improving the signs so there is less confusion, but it’s not. CAZ is a money-making scheme anyway, if it was about pollution the polluting vehicles would be banned instead of paying a Pollution Fee,”

Have you been caught out by a bus gate? Do you think the gates improve the traffic flow or are they just another tax on the motorist? Have your say in our comments section.