A school near Bristol sent out a message to parents warning of two men acting “suspiciously towards a parent” last week. On Monday, March 3, Christ Church CE Primary School, on Baker Street in Weston-super-Mare, sent the message to parents of children who attend the primary school after a parent had warned the school.
Concerned parents received the message during the morning, which told parents to “remain vigilant”. The message said: “Good morning, there has been a report of two men acting suspiciously towards a parent in the local area.
“Please remain vigilant and keep personal belongings close to you. Many thanks.”
The message had caused parents to be alarmed and worried. A concerned parent said: “There are lots of HMOs in the area, including one which borders the school, and I regularly see lots of men, alone and in groups, wandering around the area during the day.”
Christ Church CE Primary School confirmed the alleged incident with Bristol Live, saying that the incident happened around the Alfred Street area, located at the end of Baker Street. The primary school said that the parent had reported the incident to the school to make them aware of the situation.
Christ Church CE Primary School said: “The parent involved isn’t sure exactly what happened. She was walking along the road and just turned around and it looked like they had an arm stretched out towards her.”
The school added that the parent wasn’t sure what they were going to do and didn’t want to report it to the police. Avon and Somerset Police confirmed that no incident was reported.
The school had also been frustrated by dog walkers after bags of their pets’ poo were thrown onto a classroom roof. In January 2024, headteacher Kerry James spoke of having to clear 15 discarded bags from the tops of teaching huts since the previous September.