One of the most significant decisions when expecting a baby is choosing their name. Parents often select names with personal significance, perhaps honouring a loved one or embodying a deeper meaning.
While many names suit their children perfectly, some parents opt for more unconventional choices. But how far can one go with this? This question arose when one Reddit user discovered their brother-in-law’s unusual name choice for their unborn daughter.
The concerned aunt or uncle-to-be revealed that their sister and brother-in-law were due to welcome their baby girl in four weeks, and she was increasingly worried about the potential oddity of the baby’s name.
She took to a name-discussion forum on Reddit to share that her brother-in-law was adamant about naming their daughter after the ADHD medication he credits with having saved his life.
“Vyvanse. He wants to name her Vyvanse,” the Reddit user disclosed. Vyvanse is the brand name for Lisdexamfetamine, a stimulant used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and children.
The Reddit user further explained that their sister had tried to dissuade her husband from this choice, suggesting they consider other names. She even enlisted his mother’s help to persuade him to choose a different name, arguing that ‘Vyvanse’ could be seen as ‘indecent’.
Despite impending fatherhood, one dad-to-be is unwavering in his decision to name his soon-to-arrive daughter Vyvanse, even as he faces just weeks until her birth. He appears immune to outside opinions on the matter.
This unconventional choice of name sparked a spirited discussion on Reddit, with the majority concurring with the original poster that it was an ill-fitting moniker for a child.
“Say to call her Vivienne or something bc wtf,” suggested one commenter, while another proposed a compromise: “Vy as first name Vance as the middle name. Everyone is happy.”
A third added humor to the mix, quipping: “Vyvanse should just be a nickname. The name on her birth certificate should be Lisdexamfetamine.”
Conveying concern, someone else posted: “Can you straight up tell him: ‘your daughter will end up bullied. is that the legacy you want her to have on account of your diagnosis?'”
Another Reddit user advised negotiation, recommending a balanced approach: “Tell your sister that names are a “2 yes, 1 no” situation. Maybe they can compromise with Vivian/Vivianne/Vivienne?”
The original poster responded by noting their own suggestion: “Yeah I suggested Viv/Vyv/Vivian. He seems to insist on Vyvanse. I haven’t had a kid so I really don’t know how it works, I imagine if two parents disagree on the name then like, a court might decide on a more sane name? Idk.”