When will we learn and get over voting the Liberals into power? Look at the recent polling. Shocking. Albert Einstein said it best: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Carney is just an older and more polished version of Trudeau. Things will not change and probably get worse with another Liberal government.

Dalton Brown                                                                                                                                               Smiths Falls, Ont.

(The Liberals will feel emboldened if they are voted in again since Carney will carry on the same disastrous policies that Trudeau brought in)


The kids will not go shoeless, they will have artificially priced bread to eat, taxpayer-subsidized milk to wash it down. For I bet on a sure thing – Jagmeet Singh will prop up the Liberals. As fully expected, despite the denials, we’re right back where we were, a Liberal-NDP unholy, undeserved, unelected coalition, until the end of their mandate. Phew, need some fresh air, stinks in here.

Bill Vernon

(It is a terrifying notion, but it’s not impossible)


While Premier Doug Ford’s empowered response to tariffs elicited an immediate response from the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, the remaining premiers’ responses have been lacklustre at best. Why not raise the threat of export taxes on oil (Smith), potash (Moe) and electricity (Legault)? President Trump is already showing his weaknesses with his proposed carve outs, which are our strengths. Currently, we see more drive and desire from Ford and the average person in the street versus our leaders.

Neal St. Jacques                                                                                                                                          Toronto

(Canada would have been well served by a unified national response that could have been regionally focused)


In the column by Brian Lilley (“Lying in wait?,” March 4) he closes: “With all of his false claims and foolish statements, that is something voters should really be doubting at this point.” He might just as well have added that, with respect to false claims and foolish statements, Mark Carney is a carbon copy of Donald Trump!

Jim Wakefield                                                                                                                                                  West Hill

(A whole lot of embellishment)