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i>(Here we go again. On Sunday we are thrust — whether we like it or not — into daylight saving time. No doubt it will be accompanied by the usual litany of complaining about increases in traffic accidents, poorer sleep, mental confusion, lack of focus, and general malaise, etc, etc. Someone explain please, why we need an extra hour of daylight in the evening when there are still weeks of winter to endure, freezing temperatures and mounds and mounds of snow to deal with. Not exactly backyard barbeque weather. Oh yeah, an extra hour of darkness in the morning is part of the deal. In case people have forgotten, daylight saving time once was a dangling carrot. Something we truly looked forward to and it served a real purpose. That’s because it kicked in at the end of April, when the weather was warm and enticing to genuinely want more daylight in the evening. Then over the years and decades it inexorably crept earlier and earlier until it now arrives almost two full months sooner than it should. Move daylight savings time back to the end of April where it belongs! Another option might be to compromise and split the difference of the hour time change. Advance clocks by half an hour and never ever change them again.
Philip Adams
(Yes, it is that time of year again. Endless debates about the time change that go nowhere and nothing – except the time – changes)
In my opinion, if we as Canadians want to get back at President Donald Trump, we should tell him that if he drops all tariffs on Canada, we will let Mark Carney be the next prime minister. If he refuses, we will let Chrystia Freeland be the next PM and he will have to deal with her. I believe Trump would lift the tariffs in record time just so he doesn’t have to see Chrystia.
Roy Foster
Orono, Ont.
(It is quite likely Carney is going to be the next PM even without an election as his chances are the most promising to be the next Liberal leader and therefore, Canada’s prime minister)