BBC Breakfast’s Charlie Stayt encountered a mildly uncomfortable moment on Friday’s programme. The incident unfolded as he was handing over to Morning Live presenters Gethin Jones and Kimberley Walsh, who were outlining the day’s lineup for their show.

Seizing a chance to quiz Charlie, Gethin said: “I’m worried to ask Charlie and Naga. I don’t know if Charlie’s been listening, but we’ll find out now.”

Caught slightly off guard, Charlie quickly retorted: “Yes! Listening, listening to everything you’re saying.”

Although his response did little to convince as he then added: “Again, what’s the question?” With Charlie evidently not paying full attention, Gethin couldn’t help but laugh, while Kimberley applauded in amusement, reports the Express.

Gethin was quick to question if Charlie was listening to him speaking
Gethin was quick to question if Charlie was listening to him speaking (Image: (Image: BBC))

Gethin moved on to inquire whether Charlie stores his bread in the fridge or elsewhere, with Naga chiming in assertively, “No! Never.”

As Charlie nodded in agreement, Naga suggested an alternative, proposing: “In the freezer, if you only have toast, then it’s really easy. It doesn’t go off.”

Gethin took a playful jibe at Charlie’s inattentiveness, expressing relief that at least Naga was tuned in. Undeterred, Charlie claimed: “Have we been listening? Of course we listen!”

Wishing to flip the script, Naga then quizzed Gethin and Kimberley, asking: “What were the last three articles we spoke about here on Breakfast?”

Naga was quick to turn the situation back around on Gethin
Naga was quick to turn the situation back around on Gethin (Image: (Image: BBC))

This counter-challenge seemed to catch out the Morning Live duo, with Gethin hesitating before commenting: “I mean, good point.”

In another moment on the show, Naga issued an apology to weather presenter Sarah Keith-Lucas after her forecast. Before Sarah delivered the forecast, Naga expressed her surprise at the image behind her.

Sarah explained: “It’s not this morning in Salford, but it is this morning. It looks like this in some parts of the country.”

Naga responded in disbelief: “Really?! We have palm trees here?!” After the forecast, Naga said: “I apologise if you heard some sniggering during your forecast.”

“Someone (Charlie) was laughing at me for not knowing that we have numerous, thousands of palm trees here in the UK. I didn’t know!”

BBC Breakfast continues weekdays on BBC One from 6am.