Lorraine Kelly addressed her hidden injury on Thursday’s episode of Loose Women.

The ITV host, 65, revealed she had a black eye and that viewers had been messaging in concerned about her injury.

Talking about her “shiner” on Thursday’s Loose Women, Lorraine explained she had suffered a clumsy accident at home while sorting the washing.

Panellist Linda Robson pointed out: “You’ve got a bit of a shiner haven’t you” to which Lorraine confirmed: “I have! I will explain, yesterday, you know as women we try to do too many things at once and fast?

Lorraine Kelly explained her black eye on Thursday's episode of Loose Women after leaving ITV viewers concerned
Lorraine Kelly explained her black eye on Thursday’s episode of Loose Women after leaving ITV viewers concerned (Image: ITV)

“I had a massive bag of washing, a washing basket, I couldn’t see and was going from the kitchen to the living room, where there’s a wee step, and my slippers are too big, I fell over and then I fell onto a rhino!”

It comes as viewers had got in touch on Thursday’s Lorraine, taking to Twitter, now X, to share their concern over Lorraine’s black eye.

One person said: “@lorraine hi I am worried that you might be having an allergic reaction, your face looks very swollen, please get checked out. #Lorraine”, a different account wrote: “Crikey #lorraine what has happened to your face ? @lorraine hope she is ok ? Allergy maybe” while another added: “#Lorraine What has happened to Lorraine’s face today.”

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