ITV’s Dr Amir Khan is urging people to do the same as him and eat three dates a day. The TV health expert, who has often appeared on shows like This Morning and Lorraine, says the fruit is packed full of health benefits, and you only need to have as little as three daily.

He explained the advantages of incorporating the fruit into your diet in a recent Instagram video. In it, he told his 591k followers: “For the last year or so, I have taken to eating three dates a day. Dates don’t negatively impact your long-term blood sugar, even if you’re diabetic.

“Studies show that dates don’t have an impact on average blood sugar levels or fasting sugars and actually some research shows that dates can lower your average blood sugars and even lower your cholesterol, that’s probably because of their high-fibre content, and that high-fibre content makes them excellent for your gut health, too.”

He also shared several other health benefits of dates, including fighting off harmful cells and reducing your risk of dementia. He said: “Now, the other health benefits of dates is that they are loaded with one of my favourite things, plant antioxidants and polyphenols, which can help reduce cell damage done by harmful free radicals that have been things like autoimmune conditions, cardiovascular disease and even some cancers.

“Now early studies, and I have to stress these are just early studies, show that the antioxidants in dates can even improve brain health by reducing inflammation that has been linked to things like Alzheimer’s disease, though we do need more research to support that. So if you’re looking for an alternative sweet treat to refine sugar, you can’t go wrong with dates.”

Research indicates that dates are nearly the perfect food due to their rich array of essential nutrients and potential health benefits. Replacing your evening snacks with dates offers many advantages, as they are high in dietary fibre and filled with vitamins and minerals.

The various health benefits of dates include the following:

  • Low glycemic index
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease thanks to dietary fibres
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Healthy digestion and promotes good gut bacteria because of high soluble and insoluble fibre
  • Nervous system support
  • Improved metabolism as they contain pantothenic acid, folate and niacin
  • Boosts energy
  • Regulates blood pressure due to potassium.
  • Prevents anaemia as they are high in iron
  • Strengthens bones due to significant amounts of minerals
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Fights infections due to high amount of sulfur
  • Boosts hair health as they contain vitamin B5

Most nutrition experts recommend enjoying two to four dates daily as a healthy portion with a good amount of nutrients as part of a balanced diet. However, the quantity may differ from person to person based on calorie needs and underlying health conditions. You can ask your doctor how many dates you need to eat daily.

While dates are packed with nutrients, their high natural sugar content necessitates moderation. It’s wise to adjust how many dates you consume based on your overall calorie needs and other dietary choices, particularly if you have health conditions like type 2 diabetes. You can also try pairing dates with a source of fat, protein, or fibre to slow the blood sugar response.

For some people, overindulging in dates may also lead to digestive discomforts, such as diarrhoea. People with kidney disease need to be careful when consuming dates. It’s important to talk to a doctor about the daily potassium intake.