A primary school in north Bristol which brings a “sense of joy when you enter the school” has been praised by Ofsted following an ungraded inspection. Ashley Down Primary School, on Downend Road in Horfield, was judged to have maintained ‘Good’ educational standards identified at its previous graded inspection, in January 2019.
The primary school has 399 pupils on its school roll and was inspected on December 17 and 18, 2024. The school had been rated as ‘Outstanding’ in 2009 until 2019, when it was judged to be ‘Good’.
The ungraded inspection found that the school remains ‘Good’. Pupils “thrive at the school, both socially and academically” and “enjoy coming to school”. Pupils trust and respect staff and feel safe at school.
The report said: “The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils are enthusiastic about learning and love reading and enjoy the range of subjects that they learn. Pupils achieve well.
“Pupils develop their sense of personal responsibility. They understand what it means to be ready to learn and why it matters that they are. Pupils feel respected.
“The school environment is vibrant, the rich diversity of the local area and community are visible across the school. Different faiths, cultures and backgrounds are celebrated. Pupils appreciate the common ground that people share, this helps pupils to feel welcome and included.
“Pupils thrive at the school, both socially and academically. Staff are welcoming and approachable to pupils and their families. One parent commented on the ‘sense of joy when you enter the school’, this view is shared by many parents and carers, pupils and staff.”
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The curriculum was described as “ambitious and broad”, which inspectors said reflected the high aspirations the school has for all pupils. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.
Staff at the school have strong subject knowledge across all aspects of the curriculum and are able to explain new knowledge clearly whilst using checking what pupils already know. Work given to pupils is matched to the curriculum. However, sometimes misconceptions are not identified quickly enough and mistakes are being made again and again.
The school has delivered the phonics programme effectively and as a result, pupils read with fluency, confidence and enthusiasm. Different barriers which pupils face, such as those who speak English as an additional language and those with SEND, are understood, as a result, pupils are able to get support.
Pupils were praised by Ofsted for their concentration. Pupils work hard and are resilient. There is a “harmonious” atmosphere around the school as pupils are keen to support one another.
The report said: “Pupils develop their sense of responsibility and contribute to the wider life of the school and community. Pupils are knowledgeable about education after primary school. This helps them consider what is possible for them in the future.
“Staff have the expertise they need to perform their roles to a high standard. They are well trained to ensure that they provide highly effective support for pupils with SEND so that they can learn the same curriculum as their peers. Leaders protect staff from excessive workload. This enables staff to focus on what will have the most impact on pupils’ learning and wider development.”
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