We are now more than two months into the year, with England and Wales having enjoyed just one bank holiday so far. New Year’s Day is celebrated as a public holiday across the UK, with Scotland also having a bank holiday on January 2.

Bank holidays are often eagerly anticipated as they typically mean a day off work or school, but there’s still some time to go until the next one. In 2025, like the previous year, there are eight bank holidays in England and Wales.

The next bank holiday for England and Wales is set for Friday, April 18, marking Good Friday. This falls three weeks later than the previous year due to Easter Sunday being on April 20 in 2025.

The date of Easter is determined by the lunar calendar, occurring on the first Sunday following the full Moon that comes after the spring equinox. Easter Monday, the day after Easter Sunday, is also a bank holiday and will be observed on April 21 this year.

Additional dates for 2025 include the early and late May bank holidays, which fall on Mondays May 5 and May 26, having moved from May 6 and 27 the previous year. The August bank holiday is scheduled for Monday, August 25 this year.

Christmas Day and Boxing Day remain the same, naturally, falling on December 25 and December 26 respectively. Here’s the complete list of bank holidays in England and Wales for 2025:

  • Wednesday, January 1 – New Year’s Day
  • Friday, April 18 – Good Friday
  • Monday, April 21 – Easter Monday
  • Monday, May 5 – Early May bank holiday
  • Monday, May 26 – Spring bank holiday
  • Monday, August 25 – Summer bank holiday
  • Thursday, December 25 – Christmas Day
  • Friday, December 26 – Boxing Day