Notorious Florida party girl Casey Anthony — once the most hated woman in America — is throwing herself into the fight against U.S. President Donald Trump.

The former murder suspect, who was acquitted in the death of her toddler daughter Caylee in 2011, is now describing herself as a “legal advocate” for American women and the LGBTQ community.

The 38-year-old posted to TikTok on Saturday: “This is my first of probably many recordings on a series I am starting.

“I am a legal advocate. I am a researcher. I have been in the legal field since 2011, and in this capacity, I feel that it’s necessary if I’m going to continue to operate appropriately as a legal advocate that I start to advocate for myself and also advocate for my daughter.”

She added: “For those of you who don’t know, my name is Casey Anthony. My daughter is Caylee Anthony. My parents are George and Cindy Anthony. This is not about them. This is not in response to anything that they have said or done. The whole point of this is for me to begin to reintroduce myself.”

Casey Anthony was always up for a good time. CASEY ANTHONY

Anthony appears to be betting that author F. Scott Fitzgerald was wrong when he said “there are no second acts in American lives.” The Florida woman claims she stepped up to the plate after close friends were “targeted and attacked recently.”

“As a proponent for the LGBTQ community, for our legal community, women’s rights, I feel that it’s important that I use this platform that was thrust upon me and now look at as a blessing as opposed to the curse that it has been since 2008,” Anthony said in the three-minute video.

A close friend told the New York Post that Anthony was triggered by her hatred for Trump.

Casey Anthony
Casey AnthonyPhoto by AP

“She’s appalled,” her friend told the tabloid. “She wants to speak up for many people who don’t have a voice. She’s got a lot of friends in the gay community, and she wants to use their influence to help. She’s got a voice and maybe she can stand up for other people.

“She wants to fight Trump. She figures she can either be angry, or she can be a Trump-hating advocate for others. She’ll use her influence to resist.”

In 2008, Anthony’s daughter vanished from her Orlando-area home. After a month, her grandparents called cops and reported her missing.

Several months later, Caylee’s remains were found in a laundry bag. The child had been wrapped in duct tape.

PARTY GIRL: Casey Anthony.

At the same time Caylee went missing, Casey Anthony was out clubbing in Orlando nightclubs. Snapshots later emerged of her dancing on tables.

While she was charged with first-degree murder — a death penalty ride in the Sunshine State — Anthony was acquitted in 2011.

More recently, she allegedly obliterated the 22-year marriage of a father of two.

No more, says the hot hellraiser. She said she wants to change her image. However, Anthony said there will be no tittle-tattle about her personal life in her planned digital missives.

An image projected on a courtroom monitor showing Cindy Anthony, left, and her granddaughter Caylee at the family pool at their home, is submitted into evidence in the Casey Anthony trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Fla., on Friday, June 24, 2011.Photo by Red Huber /AP

“I am proverbially standing in the light, embracing peace, still going to keep my privacy intact,” she said. “I will explain in great detail why it’s so important for people to protect their privacy. With the current climate in our country especially, it’s that much more important.”

Her friend added: “She isn’t going to get into flame wars with people. This is her platform, her space to say her piece. You can either watch, or you can move along. This is about what she wants to say.”