It was sickening to watch the Oval Office viciously attack Zelenskyy, who many call another Winston Churchill. Just imagine what he’s experienced since Putin invaded Ukraine three years ago, with a number of assassination attempts by Russia and having the physical and mental pressures of leading a country that’s being destroyed by Putin’s drones and missiles. To Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people, Canadians fully support you in your country’s fight for freedom and democracy. God bless Ukraine!

Peter J. Middlemore Sr.

(Slava Ukraini!)

Zelenskyy is correct in noting that Putin cannot be trusted. At the same time, Trump may be accurate in saying that Putin has never broken his word to him. For example, if Putin has said he will talk with Trump on the phone at a certain time, he has always kept his word. However, Trump must be careful not to put too much weight on the small personal promises Putin has kept in contrast with the international agreements and public vows he has violated.

Bruce Couchman

(Putin should not be trusted – as Zelenskyy pointed out, the Russians broke the deal on returning prisoners)

The Oval Office debacle with Volodymyr Zelenskyy was like a scene out The Godfather. The “Don” and his “consigliere” are leaning on the “mark,” warning him that he better pay up the $500 he owes on the $135, that he “borrowed.” “Now you pay us or that Russian guy is gonna break your legs. And paying us is no guarantee that that Russian guy won’t break your legs, or that we might break your legs anyway.” A sad script, but it’s been done. Maybe a new title could be “The Con-father.”

Bruce MacDonald
Coleman, Alta.

(If the deal was to be signed, then this should have all been sorted out before they went in front of the cameras. What happened only emboldens Russia)

Is Trump beholden to Putin for some past favour or does Putin have some dirt on Trump that he threatens to expose? Or is Trump afraid of Putin? Just trying to understand this guy.

Rick Hird

(It’s highly unlikely, which makes it more difficult to understand)