Choosing a baby name can be challenging, with a myriad of options and potential pitfalls for parents to navigate.

However, one mum believes she may have inadvertently named her unborn son after The Beatles. Although her son isn’t born yet, the woman and her husband have already decided on his name, and she didn’t clock the association until later.

She said the couple had already agreed on the middle name George and were both “set” on using it. While they can be flexible with his first name, they struggled to find a moniker they both liked until they settled on Harrison.

However, this now means her son will have the full name Harrison George, making it seem as though his parents took clear inspiration from the late Beatles guitarist George Harrison – even though the link was completely unintentional.

In a Reddit post, the expectant mother queried: “Is Harrison George too Beatle-y? On one hand, middle names aren’t going to come up that often, but on the other, it’s a pretty obvious connection. We’re set on George as a middle name, and Harrison is one of the few names we both agree on, but as someone with a very ‘pop culture’ first name, I don’t want to put a child through a similar experience.”

She shared her reservations about the baby’s name, concerned that her child may have to “continually explain” it or “hear jokes about it” frequently, but said her husband didn’t see an issue with it.

Opinion was split in the Reddit discussion, with some commentators saying they would be unwilling to choose the name themselves due to its strong association. But several pointed out that by the time her son grows up, The Beatles will not be the household name that they are to many adults today.

One commenter reassured: “They are two normal names, and there will be a last name that further differentiates your child’s name. I think it’s a totally usable combination! The Beatles aren’t a primary point of reference for my age group and it would be an even more distant reference for your child and their peers, making it even less of an issue!”

Another remarked: “I like the nod; it’s a bit tongue-in-cheek to me with the middle name (It would be too much as a last name, I think), but I definitely associate it with the Beatles if that is an issue.”