An Garda Siochana is currently a “force in crisis”, a Labour TD has said.

Labour TD Alan Kelly described recruitment and retention of officers as being in “total crisis”, said officers lack basic equipment and added that morale generally among the ranks is “on the floor”.

He went on to claim in the Dail that gardai did not believe the Garda Commissioner Drew Harris or the last Government would have their backs, and also criticised the Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) as not being “fit for purpose”.

File pic of Labour Party TD Alan Kelly (Niall Carson/PA)

Mr Kelly raised a specific concern over “dangerously defective leather pistol holsters” which were in use until March 2023 and also raised an issue of “392 abandoned firearms left in a container in Garda headquarters”, querying how they were stored.

He said he had “many more issues … some of them very serious indeed” to raise with the minister.

Mr Kelly emphasised that he believes the Irish public has huge support and respect for gardai.

“But it is a force that I believe is in crisis,” he told TDs, describing “huge issues across the board”.

“I don’t believe, unless there are radical changes, that there is a hope of reaching targets set.

“Trainees aren’t paid enough, wages and pensions won’t entice people to join.

“40,000 euro might seem like a lot of money, but coming to Dublin for 40,000 euro if you’re from down the country, and trying to live here isn’t enticing.

“Gardai lack basic equipment, sick leave isn’t being covered, drugs and community Garda units are being filled but there is no backfilling, current Garda divisions aren’t working, 999 call system to Cork is nuts, it’s just a joke.

“Simply put, morale is on the floor.”