A top hair surgeon has revealed a list of 10 foods which could help combat hair loss and thinning.

Hair loss can be a distressing experience, whether it’s temporary or permanent, and it can be triggered by various factors. The NHS states losing between 50 and 100 hairs a day is perfectly normal and often goes unnoticed.

While usually not a cause for major concern, hair loss can sometimes indicate a health problem, so it’s crucial to seek professional medical advice if you notice an increase in hair loss or feel concerned by it.

Temporary hair loss can be due to numerous factors, such as illness, stress, iron deficiency, weight loss, or side effects from cancer treatment. Dr Suhail Alam, a surgeon with a “specialist interest in hair restoration surgery and regenerative medicine” and medical director at Aventus Clinic, suggests diet could be a key strategy in maintaining your mane.

He pinpointed 10 superfoods that promote hair growth and help prevent thinning by supplying essential nutrients like biotin, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. Dr Alam stated: “Your hair health is a reflection of what you eat. A nutrient-rich diet can significantly reduce hair shedding, improve scalp circulation, and encourage hair regrowth.”

Which foods does this hair surgeon recommend?

1. Oysters

Oysters, packed with approximately 16.6mg of zinc per 100g, are one of the richest dietary sources of this essential mineral. Low zinc levels have been associated with hair loss, making oysters a top choice for a healthier scalp. Zinc is vital for hair follicle function, and oysters are one of the best sources.

2. Salmon

This provides roughly 2.3g of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA+DHA) per 100g, promotes healthy hair growth. The fatty fish is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which nourish the scalp and reduce inflammation that may lead to hair thinning.

3. Eggs

Eggs, with a 100g serving containing about 12.5g of protein and 25μg of biotin, are crucial for hair health. They help build strong hair strands while reducing brittleness.

4. Spinach

Raw spinach, containing approximately 2.7mg of iron and 28mg of vitamin C per 100g, supports iron absorption and hair strength. It also contains folate and vitamin A, which promote healthy hair follicles and help prevent hair breakage caused by nutrient deficiencies. The leafy green has even been praised on social media for its potential benefits on hair growth and health.

5. Greek yogurt

It offers around 9–10g of protein and 0.3–0.5mg of vitamin B5 per 100g, making it a nutrient-dense choice for hair health. Both vitamin B5 and protein improve blood circulation to the scalp and support hair thickness.

6. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes, rich in beta-carotene, aid in the production of sebum – a natural scalp conditioner that keeps hair hydrated and less prone to breakage. A 100g serving of sweet potatoes contains approximately 13.1 mg of beta-carotene, which converts to about 1,090μg of vitamin A.

7. Brazil nuts

They’re packed with selenium, which essential for hair growth. Just a few Brazil nuts provide more than the daily requirement, helping maintain strong, thick hair. Doctors advise eating no more than one to two Brazil nuts per day due to their high selenium content.

8. Lentils

Lentils, when boiled, provide approximately 9g of protein and 3mg of iron per 100g, making them a fantastic plant-based food for hair health. They play a crucial role in hair cell regeneration and overall scalp health.

9. Bell peppers

Bell peppers, whether red, green, or yellow, are high in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production to strengthen hair strands and prevent split ends.

10. Seaweed

Lastly, seaweed is rich in iodine, a mineral essential for proper thyroid function, which regulates hair growth and prevents excessive shedding. Dried kelp, a type of seaweed, contains approximately 2,600μg of iodine per 1g, meaning even small amounts far exceed daily iodine requirements.

If you’re concerned about hair loss or hair growth, speak to your GP.