When the guidebooks and tourist coaches tell everyone to visit the Cotswolds, they mostly send people to the pretty little villages high up above Cirencester where they kick each other’s shins and play football in rivers.

However, for the people of Bristol who want a bit of cosy Cotswold atmosphere, and have the luxury of a day out to sample the delights of the honey-coloured stone clad region, there’s a spot much closer to home that’s a well-kept secret in the tourism industry.

In the South Cotswolds – the bit closest to Bristol – everyone knows about the likes of Castle Combe, Tetbury, Westonbirt Arboretum or the Five Valleys of Stroud and the commons of Minchinhampton. But few tourist buses ever disgorge their day-trippers into what is possibly England’s oldest town – Malmesbury.

It’s five miles from Tetbury over the ancient border between the Saxon kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia, but Malmesbury is so old that the likes of Danes and the Saxons only relatively recently left their mark on the town.

A visitor to modern Malmesbury will climb the steep steps from the town’s main long-stay tourist car park and breathlessly reach the top of the hill next to the imposing Norman Abbey, before wandering around a network of alleys and lanes off a curving High Street that is literally a backbone to this hilltop town.

And what that visitor may not realise is that the street plan they are walking around was put in place by King Alfred himself, who reshaped the town after it was sacked by the Danes in the 870s. It’s an old Iron Age hillfort that dates back much further than the Saxons and even the Romans.

Archaeological digs 20 years ago found a stone town wall ringed the hilltop that dates back to at least 800BCE – some 1,600 years before Alfred arrived to beef up the town’s defences.

The town wall is still pretty much there – although it’s a 13th century version built on top of the Saxon and Iron Age foundations.

And one of the joys of the town is that you can still walk around those walls, looking out over the two valleys of the two branches of the River Avon, that meet at the southern end of the town, virtually creating an island.

In the English Civil War, the town was described by one general as the best naturally-fortified inland place he’d ever seen – the only way into town without crossing a river and climbing a cliff-like hill is along a narrow and high isthmus, a ridge with perilous drops on either side.

And that geography remains today, for the visitors who make it off the bypass between the M4 and Cirencester.

Inside the old town walls, everything revolves around the Abbey and the Market Cross.

The Abbey is half the building it once was, but the other half collapsed in a storm in the late 15th century, and bits of it were plundered by the locals to build their cottages.

Malmesbury Abbey. (Image: Paul Stallard/Western Daily Press)

Inside, it’s a stunningly high vaulted working parish church, although unique – it is the only parish church with the tomb of a king inside. And not just any king, but the first king of England, King Athelstan, a local lad who unified England and then Britain in the 930s.

Local tales abound – all from a thousand years ago. It’s as if history stopped in Malmesbury once the Normans arrived and built this abbey around an equally impressive Saxon one.

The town surely boasts more firsts than anywhere else this small. As well as the first king of England, there’s the first man to have ever flown – a monk called Eilmer who made wings, thought he could fly, jumped off the top of the abbey and became the world’s first hang-glider, crash landing in a different part of town, and surviving into old age.

It also boasts the father of English history – William of Malmesbury, and the father of English philosophy, Thomas Hobbes.

The echoes of these figures from deep into our history are everywhere around a town whose geography and hilltop nature meant it never really grew that much. But there’s still lots to see and do when you get there.

Market Cross

Market Cross, Malmesbury
Market Cross, Malmesbury (Image: Visit Wiltshire/Robert Peel)

Perhaps the best example of its kind, the Market Cross was built in the late 15th century – about the time Cabot sailed to America – to protect market folk when it rained, and still serves the same purpose today.

Locals and tourists alike can be found sitting around its bases, watching the world go by. Check out how the seat with the best view down the High Street has been eroded by 500 years of local bottoms.

River Walk

Most people who love visiting Iron Age Hillforts, like the British Camp in Worcestershire, Cadbury Hillfort in Somerset or Barbury Castle near Swindon are used to seeing nothing but ditches and earthworks at the top of a prominent hill. Malmesbury tells us what happens when Iron Age Hillforts aren’t abandoned – when people just carry on living there.

So the best way to get an idea of the hillfort town is by walking around the rivers that surround it. There’s a riverside path – take wellies or walking boots unless it’s been dry for a fortnight – almost all the way around this island town, that weaves in and out of the little lanes underneath the south side of the old town walls too.

High Street

High Street, Malmesbury
High Street, Malmesbury (Image: Google)

The kind of curving Cotswold terraced street that people make picture postcards out of, it was a place John Betjeman used to wax lyrical about.

Today, it maintains a position as a traditional High Street serving the local population, but interspersed with independent gift shops, cafes and the kind of quirky stores that thrive in places like this. It’s certainly a lot more diverse than Tetbury and its dozens of antique shops.


Malmesbury has lost a few pubs in recent years, but a pub crawl around every one that is still there would still take a while. Start at the Rose and Crown at the bottom of the High Street, then head up the hill to the King’s Arms and in the Market Cross, the window seat in the Whole Hog is the best spot in town.

Beyond that, the Old Bell Hotel lays claims to be the oldest hotel in the country – it was set up as a guest house for visitors to the Abbey maybe a thousand years ago – and finally, end at the Three Cups at the end of Abbey Row.

Athelstan Museum

With the sale of the famous Abbey House Gardens in 2021 its future as a visitor attraction was uncertain. The latest notice for visitors on the gardens’ website advises: ” Open various days in Summer but please note that the gardens are undergoing restoration, some areas may be closed and images may not reflect present condition of gardens.”

Just a short walk away though there is the newly-expanded and improved Athelstan Museum to visit – spread across two floors, it’s a fascinating traditional museum with some great modern twists of technology and fun, charting what is the longest known story of any continually habited place in England.

How to get there

It’s 40 minutes on a good day from the centre of Bristol to Malmesbury – the town is just 25 miles from Cabot Circus. The simplest way is to go up the M4 to junction 17 and head north – and it’s five miles up the A429.

There’s a scenic route that covers less distance but takes the same amount of time – get off a junction earlier at junction 18 for Bath and head up the A46, turning off immediately right towards Tormarton and head east along the B4040 – the ancient Bristol to Oxford road that runs right into Malmesbury through villages of the Wiltshire Cotswolds like Luckington and Sherston.

By public transport, it’s do-able with a bus to Yate and then a bus to Malmesbury, or a train to Chippenham and a bus from there is possible.

This article was first published in February 2022 and has been updated for 2025