Dr Amir Khan has issued a six-word warning to everyone in the UK. The ITV regular is currently warning people that cases of the norovirus are on the rise, but he says there are ‘five ways to reduce your risk’.

The GP took to Instagram to share what we all need to do to get better soon, and to stop passing it along to others. At present, the doctor notes that the UK is seeing “really high numbers of norovirus”.

Also known as the winter vomiting bug, he says it is a virus that affects your gastrointestinal tract. He adds: “It’s usually seasonal. Outbreaks usually occur between November and April in the UK but we’re seeing really high numbers right now.”

Stressing that it can get serious, he explains: “For most people, it’s an unpleasant” illness and they should get over it within 2-5 days. However for “small children and older adults, they can have a severe illness, risk of dehydration and hospitalisation.”

What are the symptoms of norovirus?

The main symptoms of norovirus usually start suddenly and may include:

  • feeling sick
  • being sick (vomiting)
  • diarrhoea

You may also have:

  • a high temperature
  • a headache
  • tummy pain
  • body aches and pains

Despite being called the winter vomiting bug, you can get norovirus at any time of year – and if you have the virus, the GP notes you could easily pass it on.

He warns: “Your body sheds billions of tiny viral particles which can make other people sick. And it only takes a few particles to make someone else ill.”

How to avoid the norovirus, according to Doctor Amir Khan

Talking about “five ways to reduce your risk of getting” it, he says you can try the following:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water – not alcohol gel. Alcohol gel does not get rid of the virus.
  2. Make sure you wash your fruit and veg thoroughly before eating them
  3. If you’re eating meat or fish, make sure you’ve cooked it all the way through before you eat them
  4. Avoid contact with other people who have no virus because they can pass it on to you
  5. Clean and sanitise communal objects, like tables, door, handles, lights, switches, and other things that people touch a lot. Make sure you clean them regularly and that will reduce your risk of getting norovirus