Prominent nutritionist Chris van Tulleken has offered advice on consuming processed meat, cautioning there are relatively few variants that are safe to eat. However, he acknowledged that beef jerky might have a slight health advantage.

Speaking to The Guardian, the ‘Processed People’ author mentioned that beef jerky containing protein could be considered acceptable given its leanness, while warning about the risks associated with excessive intake of cured or processed meats.

Van Tulleken pointed out that healthier low salt dry beef may unintentionally endorse less healthy alternatives. He stated: “Beef jerky can be quite lean, so that’s OK. It’s proteinaceous, and protein is not bad for you, although I don’t think you need as much protein as the fitness industry often says. It’s better than a chocolate bar; it might not have too much salt.”

He expressed concerns about how these products are perceived, saying: “The problem is, the lean, fairly low-salt dry beef becomes the poster child for the s****y, fatty version that’s covered in maltodextrin and sugar. So you can have a product that’s fine, and it ends up representing a category that is not fine.”

These remarks align with a wider debate in the food sector as demand for processed and cured meats rises, amidst growing evidence that they may compromise health and potentially increase the likelihood of developing bowel cancer. , reports Surrey Live.

This assertion is supported not only by research studies but also by reputable cancer organisations such as Cancer Research UK, which states: “Chemicals that are found in the meat, added during processing or produced when cooking it, can increase the risk of cancer. These are used to keep processed meat fresher for longer.”

The organisation further explains: “When we eat them, nitrates and nitrites can become N-nitroso chemicals (NOCs) that can damage the cells that line our bowel. This damage can lead to bowel cancer. Added nitrates may be the reason why processed meat increases the risk of bowel cancer more than red meat.”

A study published in the esteemed journal Nature found a significant correlation between red and processed meat consumption and the risk of colorectal cancer, concluding: “Apart from alcohol, the only dietary factor which was positively associated with colorectal cancer risk in these data was red and processed meat consumption.”

Dr Chris van Tulleken
Dr Chris van Tulleken (Image: BBC)

The study quantified this risk, stating: “We found an 8% higher risk of colorectal cancer per 30 g/day higher red and processed meat consumption; this is equivalent to a 29% higher risk per 100 g/day.”

On the other hand, research suggests that incorporating a glass of milk into one’s daily diet may have a protective effect against bowel cancer. According to a report by the Guardian, a study conducted by Oxford University and Cancer Research UK found that the presence of calcium in milk could be responsible for this association.

The study suggested that an additional 300mg of calcium per day could lower an individual’s risk of developing bowel cancer by 17%. .

Dr. Keren Papier, a senior nutritional epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, commented on the findings: “This comprehensive study provides robust evidence that dairy products may help prevent colorectal cancer, largely due to the calcium they contain.”

She further noted: “Calcium was found to have a similar effect in both dairy and non-dairy sources, suggesting that it was the main factor responsible for cutting risk.”