The “filthy” conditions in which birds are living on poultry farms are creating a “breeding ground” for viruses that could ultimately transmit to humans, an animal rights group has claimed.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has erected an advertising board in Co Tyrone warning the public of the dangers posed by the farms.

The artwork, posted on a bus shelter in Dungannon, urges the public to “please, go vegan” and carries the slogan: “Bird Flu – The Writing is on the Wall”.

The organisation branded sheds as “slaughterhouses” describing them as “filthy [and] confined” spaces which are creating the conditions for a host of deadly pathogens.

It comes a week after the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Daera) announced it was investigating a third suspected case of avian influenza – bird flu – at a commercial premises close to Cookstown.

Preliminary test results indicated the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and a temporary control zone (TCZ) was established.

Some 32,000 birds have been culled at the site.

It brings the total number of birds culled in NI over the last fortnight to more than 110,000 after cases of bird flu were confirmed at two other sites in the county.

PETA Vice President of Programmes Elisa Allen

More than 1.8 million birds have also been culled across the UK following the recent outbreak.

PETA has warned of the potential for the virus to transmit to humans. The group said many diseases that have caused epidemics and pandemics in recent years originated in animals, including Covid-19.

The organisation’s Vice President of Programmes, Elisa Allen said conditions within the poultry industry were contributing to the problem.

“Eating eggs, meat and dairy from farms where thousands of animals are confined amid their own waste is not only disgusting but will also lead us into another pandemic,” she said.

“The only solution is to go vegan, and PETA urges people to make the switch today – before it’s too late.”

Daera Minister Andrew Muir said his department is taking steps to prevent the spread of bird flu in NI.

“My department is urgently responding and carrying out robust disease control actions, including the humane culling of affected poultry and cleansing and disinfection,” the MLA added.

“My department will continue to work closely with industry stakeholders along with our counterparts in Great Britain and Ireland to stop the spread of this disease.

DAERA Minister Andrew Muir

“Biosecurity is the greatest weapon we have to fight Avian Influenza. It is crucial that all bird keepers adhere to stringent biosecurity measures to protect their flock and report any suspicious cases immediately.

“I strongly encourage all bird keepers to familiarise themselves with the guidance provided by my Department.”

NI’s Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) Brian Dooher added: “Disease control measures have been introduced to limit any potential spread of the disease.

“Bird keepers, whether commercial or backyard, must maintain high biosecurity standards and fully comply with all requirements that have been implemented to control this devastating disease.”