Anxiety is a prevalent health concern, with the mental health charity Mind revealing that one in four individuals will face some form of mental health issue each year in England.

Professional treatment is the best route to take if you have anxiety. Your GP could recommend such treatments including talking therapies or medication. However, alongside medical advice, an anxiety expert has offered her own suggestion to aid those struggling with the condition.

Lisa Houghton, a self-help author and coach dedicated to helping people overcome anxiety, frequently shares advice on anxiety with her 230,000 Instagram followers. And her recent post on a two-word phrase those with anxiety should steer clear of was particularly well-received by her audience.

In a recent Instagram reel, Houghton used overlay text on a video clip featuring a coffee cup to convey a powerful message. The text read: “I’m fine, but what I really mean is… I’m not doing great but I don’t want to be a burden.

“I don’t know how to put it into words. I’m afraid of being judged or pushed away.

“I don’t think anyone would really get it. I’ve been hiding how I feel for so long, it’s just what I do now.”

The post wrapped up with: “I feel guilty for struggling like I shouldn’t feel this way. I feel safer keeping it to myself and hoping it’ll pass.”

In her caption, Lisa penned: “‘I’m fine’, two words that more often than not hide a person’s inner struggle. We suppress our pain and emotions, fearing judgement, rejection, or simply being at a loss for words. We fear we’re alone in this, but I assure you, we’re not. That’s the unfortunate reality. More people are silently suffering than we realise.”

Lisa confessed to her followers that she “spent years” assuring people she was fine when she wasn’t, and even now, she occasionally does the same. She concluded by saying: “Healing begins when we allow ourselves to be seen, vulnerable and honest even in our messiest moments. And please remember, you don’t have to bear it all alone.”

The post resonated with fans, garnering over 1,600 likes. One individual commented: “So true! ‘I’m fine’ is often a mask for emotions we struggle to express.”

Another concurred: “‘I’M FINE! ‘ We’ve all been there! We don’t always voice our true feelings, often to protect others rather than ourselves! A heartfelt post.”

While a third added: “So spot on, it’s just something that has become second nature. It’s really that no one wants to hear what’s ‘really’ going on or most do not care anyways. Find the ones that will help you deal with these emotions and keep safe.”