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Canadians are right to be concerned that U.S. tariffs are an immediate threat to the economy. But we need to take a longer view as well, because a destabilized world is bound to worsen the lives of its poorest citizens. That is why we need to continue to aim for sustainable foreign aid, and a plan to better focus assistance on improving the lives of children when Canada assumes the G7 presidency in June this year.
Randy Rudolph
(So many things need to be fixed in our economy so Canada will be able to continue to contribute to other nations)
I feel that we could appease Trump’s desire to make Canada his 51st state and our prime minister its governor by simply offering them the province of Quebec and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could remain on as its governor. Quebecers have always been whining about leaving Canada.
Doug Wadel
Dunnville, Ont.
(Don’t think they will take us up on that)
I had a mind-blowing experience travelling around Brampton this week. The snowplows had piled the snow into the bike lanes making them impassable. How utterly thoughtless. How are the one or two riders going to get to work and back? Additionally, many of the cement bollards have been damaged. Wonder how much the taxpayers will have to cough up for this. Roll on good weather so as we can get the ridership up to normal numbers, three or maybe four.
P. Clements
(Toronto residents need to demand better of Chow government. Basic services like snow removal she has failed)
I just figured out why the Blue Jays didn’t extend Vladdy — ownership needs the money to give Atkins and Shapiro new contracts to reward them for the good job they have been doing running the Jays. That makes it easier to accept losing Vladdy — right? We’re never going to get rid of these two supposed ‘want to win’ baseball brains. Argh.
Al Pastrak
(Doesn’t appear they are going anywhere)