An Indiana woman convicted of her involvement in three-way sex that turned into murder blew off homicide detectives.
Heidi Kathleen Carter angrily snapped: “You’re not my judge.”
Carter, 39, reacted when a detective confronted her with a survivor’s horrific tale of death and rape. Jurors convicted Carter of murder, criminal confinement while armed with a deadly weapon, and aiding, including or causing forcible rape.
Cops say that Carter was looking for sexual action. So, the Indiana woman used a “lesbian dating app” and lured a couple into her home, where Tim Ivy, 50, and his unnamed partner got hot and heavy with the sinister seductress.
But the October 2021 hormone-charged hijinks came off the rails when Carter’s enraged boyfriend, Carey Hammond, showed up and the tryst turned violent.
“The next thing I know, there’s a man bursting through the door with a baseball bat attacking us,” the female victim told the court, adding that Hammond “swung (the bat) like a golf club.”
He later raped her.
Carter and Hammond had worked up an appetite and ordered a pizza. As they scarfed it down, Tim Ivy was dead in an upstairs bedroom.
Bizarrely, the couple ordered a maid service to clean two bedrooms in their home. The cleaning lady noticed Carter’s blood-covered shoes, the gun she was holding, and heard a female victim sobbing.
When she tried to make sense of what was happening, the maid “went to sit down on what she thought was a pile of pillows and blankets.” She quickly realized it was a body.
When she asked to leave, Hammond and Carter told her to sit down and then informed her she was not allowed to go. She eventually escaped and found a state trooper.
When officers arrived, Hammond pointed his gun at them outside the home. Cops hit him with a barrage of bullets and he died at the scene.
Inside, investigators found Ivy’s body wrapped in a blanket and fastened with duct tape. The female victim was restrained with Velcro straps and suffered serious injuries.
Carter copped to making threats and helping to hide Ivy’s body, and officers found a black revolver on her. She said she was only pretending to appease Hammond.
During her interrogation, Carter was distressed with her sweater half off her body.
One detective told her that the survivor said Carter played a role in beating the two unsuspecting swingers, threatening them at gunpoint and informing the pair she knew people who could dispose of their bodies.
“I believe her when she tells me that you had a much bigger part in all of this than what you’ve told me,” the detective said.
Carter denied all wrongdoing and called herself a “victim.”
However, during her trial, Vanderburgh County Circuit Court Judge David Kiely noted the defiant Carter’s “lack of concern that a human life has been lost.”
She is now serving a 65-year prison sentence.