McDonald’s wouldn’t be the first place many people would go in they were trying to lose weight.
However, one fat loss coach has showed how you can stay on track when shedding weight, even with a trip to the fast food giant.
Hawys D, known as @coaching_in_hd on Instagram, regularly sharing her fat loss tops with her 51,000 followers on the site. And they were loving her advice on how to eat healthier at McDonald’s.
The reel starts with Hawys tells holding a bag of McDonald’s food, as she tells fans: “If you’re trying to lose weight, then this is exactly what you’re going to order from Maccies.
“All in, it’s 600 calories and nearly 50 grams of protein.”
She adds: “Now McDonald’s isn’t the best weight loss food, but if you’re in a pickle, knowing what to order can help you stay on track and make fat loss more sensible.”
Hawys’ first choice is a grilled Sweet Chilli Chicken wrap, which is 340 calories and has 29 grams of protein. She then makes it a meal by adding a side salad, which will add fibre to keep her full, along with a zero-calorie fizzy drink.
The weight loss expert then swaps her small chips, which have 270 calories and no protein for six chicken nuggets, which for the same calories have 15 grams of protein, meaning they’ll ‘keep her fuller for longer’.
The fat loss coach labelled her tips “fat loss cheat codes”, and fans were certainly loving them, as the post racked up hundreds of likes.
One person exclaimed: “I love realistic hacks like this, would love to see more content helping keep on track when eating out.” Hawys replied: “Your wish is my command.”
Another person admitted: “Our McDonald’s here in Canada stopped serving side salads and I hate it,” to which Hayws said: “That’s ridiculous.”