Over 2,000 motorists were caught speeding on a route in South Bristol after the speed limit was subtly changed. A total of 2,088 drivers were issued with speeding tickets on St John’s Lane, by The Brunel pub, since the restriction was altered from 30mph to 20mph a few weeks prior. Bristol Live readers have been discussing the issue in our comments section.

Previously marked by 30mph signs, the road now features smaller and less conspicuous 20mph signage following the revision. Data secured through a Freedom of Information request highlighted that the number of drivers receiving fines last November spiked to 60 times more than in November 2023, leading to doubts about whether safety on the road has actually been enhanced by the new limit.

One driver who was fined called for the council to implement clearer signage, arguing that bigger signs could be more effective at reducing high speeds rather than racking up collective fines of £160,000 monthly.

Transport committee chair Councillor Ed Plowden noted: “It’s important that speed limits are enforced to maintain road safety and discourage poor driving practices. I have however asked Avon and Somerset Police to review the current enforcement of this stretch to ensure a fair and proportionate approach is in place.”

Bristol City Council also pointed out there is a frequent presence of reminder notices as 20mph signs adorn every lamppost within the zone. The possibility of painting 20mph markings on the roadway is being considered, although it isn’t mandatory.

Commenter Quoth thinks: “Changes to speed limits need to be signposted more visibly whenever made, especially when a speed camera is involved. Taking down the large 30 mph roundels on a section between two 20 mph sections that has a speed camera is tantamount to entrapment. Judging by the bus gate fiasco on Cumberland Road, BCC should fire their sign people, refund any of these fines and quite frankly start serving the people that pay them, not tricking us into breaking rules – not laws – by incompetently thought out signage!”

Mouse suggests: “Do not pay and go to court with photo evidence and proof of lack of clarity when they changed the speed limit. Also 20mph is also unenforceable as the council did not bring this to a vote of the residents.”

Bowerbrain thinks: “This is quite disgraceful, but typical of what we are coming to expect in Bristol. I was truly baffled when I got ‘sent for retraining’ last month, clearly the signage was and is still inadequate. This however has become a cash cow, so I’ll be applying for a refund of £86.50 plus 3 hours of my time, before the next round of council tax and resident parking increases. BCC has never understood the danger of killing the golden goose!”

Sarahwo complains: “My son got caught by this twice in 30 mins now has points on his licence and car insurance has gone up £800, he was doing 27 and 29 mph as he thought it was a 30 mph. The signage was not clear at all and this needs to be looked into. A local trip has cost him an extra £1000.”

Starbuck13 replies: “He should be more aware of his surroundings first and foremost. These reductions are well posted and were advertised months in advance. All drivers not previously fined for speeding get offered the awareness course to avoid points. If he was not offered the course it means he has already been prosecuted for speeding prior to this.”

Mindless agrees: “If you can’t see the signs then you shouldn’t be driving. SPEED KILLS.”

Lovelyjubberly is happy: “What could be better than personal responsibility for one’s own actions? Great system. Crush all cars of those found to be without insurance. Thanks. Happy Days!”

How do you feel about the reduced speed limit? Could the signs be clearer? Have your say in our comments section.