A British couple that have been detained in Iran whilst on a round-the-world trip have been charged with espionage, according to the Iranian judiciary news agency.

The couple were named by their family on Monday as Craig and Lindsay Foreman.

u200b Craig and Lindsay Foreman have been arrested Craig and Lindsay Foreman have been arrestedForeign Office via PA

The couple have been accused of collecting information in different locations throughout Iran.

The pair, both aged 52, had been on a motorbike trip across the world due to end in Australia, and had only intended to stay in Iran for five days.

They were arrested in January, but the country’s state-run media only revealed this week they had been accused of security-related offences.

A statement previously issued by the Foreign Office on their family’s behalf said: “This unexpected turn of events has caused significant concern for our entire family, and we are deeply focused on ensuring their safety and wellbeing during this trying time.”

The Foremans crossed into Iran from Armenia on December 30, according to social media posts.

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