A particular dog breed has been crowned the ‘best’ by its enthusiastic owner who praises its obedient and serene nature, even as a puppy. However there’s one big catch that comes with it.
These gentle giants are known as Great Pyrenees, or Pyrenean Mountain Dogs and have been historically revered for their abilities to watch over sheep against formidable predators in the Pyrenees mountains. However, they are now lauded for being wonderful companions for families, according to Daily Paws.
An elated pet parent took to Instagram to share her initial experiences with her new pup, Chapo, disclosing her observations within just 48 hours from bringing him home – and not forgetting to mention a notable downside that accompanies this breed.
She shared, “This is everything I’ve learnt about having a Great Pyrenees puppy in the last 48 hours,” as she snuggled up to her sizable fluffball, Chapo, lounging contentedly in her lap.
Discussing the unique traits she observed, she said: “The first thing that’s interesting about Chapo is he has never ever been inside until now,” revealing, “So he has never pooed or peed in my house ever. He has been the easiest puppy to potty train cause I don’t really have to potty train him.”
She then expressed her astonishment at his lethargic tendencies, noting: “He’s the laziest dog I have ever met. He’s a puppy but he doesn’t play, he literally only wants to sleep and cuddle, like he’s the biggest cuddler boy ever. Pretty soon, I’m not gonna be able to carry him anymore.”
Unable to ignore his sizeable growth, Morgan found herself marvelling at the comparison between Chapo’s paw size and her hand, realising his paw was already surpassing hers in size.
“I never knew how much I needed a dog until Chappo,” Morgan admitted, and then turning her attention to the pup, she affectionately said, ” Huh, I never knew I needed you until you came into my life and now I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
She went on to praise the little canine’s perfect behaviour, saying, “You don’t chew, you don’t bark, you don’t bite, you don’t do nothing. You just hang out. You’re the best dog ever, besides Capone.”
Yet, Morgan touched upon one minor quirk of the Great Pyrenees breed – their considerable stature. The Kennel Club reveals that adult Great Pyrenees can stand at least 70cm tall at the shoulder, with females reaching 65cm, and they typically tip the scales at 45-50kg, sometimes more for larger individuals.
“You’re gonna be so big, boy. You’re gonna be bigger than me,” Morgan mused.
Enthusiastic reactions poured in from fellow Great Pyrenees owners under the video’s comment section.
One person shared, “I love my pyr for all the same reasons, but don’t worry Chapo will find his voice,” while another chimed in affirming that when the voice does emerge, “it is big, bold, and fantastic! “
A third commenter had a different experience to share: “Mine is broken. He’s four and doesn’t bark.”
Before you commit to any particular dog breed, make sure to do your own research.