A pregnant woman is hesitant about her chosen baby name because people associate it strongly with a celebrity.
Agreeing on a name for a child can be a tricky task. Everyone has different tastes and what one parent may love, another may loathe. Coming to a mutual decision on a moniker that’ll suit a baby through to adulthood is a serious undertaking.
One mum is struggling because she and her husband don’t agree on any names and the only option her husband actually likes has her riddled with doubt. The baby – their second child – is due in the summer and they’ve already spent “countless hours” coming up with a first and middle name for their son.
The agreed upon name though – Royce Hendrix – has raised eyebrows among friends and family, with many people immediately thinking of rock legend Jimi Hendrix when the mum intended to honour her stepfather, Henry, with her choice of Hendrix.
On Reddit, she shared: “So we are due in August with our second. The ONLY two boy names my husband likes after countless hours searching are: Royce Hendrix.
“I don’t like Royce. But I could get with Hendrix, it would pay homage to my step dad who came into my life when I was two, becoming a huge influence. His name is Luther Henry.”
She continued: “However, I feel people instantly go to Jimi Hendrix. Which I’m totally okay with, he’s an icon. But we’ve told a few people and they’ve made faces like ‘Hendrix makes me think of a pothead’, etc which rubbed me the wrong way.
“Other people absolutely love it and say they would name their kid that if we don’t. Now I’m just sitting here, probably all up in my pregnancy hormones, overthinking it. Is it a horrible name?”
Fellow Reddit users were keen to share their thoughts in the comments section. One person said: “Your husband doesn’t get to veto all names except two. That isn’t fair at all. He needs to go through some lists and come up with more ideas. He needs to compromise, not give you a list of only 2 names that you’re allowed to choose from.”
Another was partial to the name and said: “I guess it depends a bit on where you live? I’m in a big city and I do not think anyone would even bat an eye at Hendrix. I quite like it!”
A third commented: “It’s fine. It won’t be weird or anything. Not my style though but it doesn’t make me recoil.”
But another added: “Both are diabolical.” To which, the mum replied: “I know but they are the only ones my husband likes. Boy names are hard. I’m trying to compromise here.”