Strike, strike, strike over the years. Get more and more, the taxpayer will pay. Instead of Canada Post winding down their letter carrier numbers and using more neighbourhood mailboxes while beefing up their parcel delivery sooner, they let the union dictate the future and it is not bright. Email, long-distance plans on cellphones, paperless bills from companies that saw savings, and direct billing and payments all have taken a chunk of business away from Canada Post. It now looks like bailouts might be required annually. Come on.

Wayne Martin                                                                                                                                           Kitchener

(The entire business model they have will not last without multi-million dollar bailouts)


I have a solution to the annual Canada Post deficits! Finish building the communal post boxes across Canada that Trudeau put an end to years ago, and only deliver mail to these boxes once a week. Doing so would eliminate most Canada Post employees and save it from bankruptcy, while eliminating future taxpayer liability.

Gary Woodward                                                                                                                                         Oakville

(Changes to Canada Post requires serious leadership — something our country is sorely lacking)


Aside from his misguided attitude towards tariffs, President Donald Trump has done overwhelmingly positive things for the U.S.A. in the first three weeks of his second term, to the pathetic lament of Liberals everywhere, including Sun columnist Warren Kinsella and not-so-funny cartoonist Andy Donato. Oh, that we should be so lucky here in Canada. Indirectly, Trump’s blizzard of measures has killed woke, killed DEI, exposed huge waste and theft of taxpayers’ money, reduced taxes, and started to get illegal immigrant criminals off the streets. We should emulate these policies. We need to live up to our defence commitments and get control of our borders. As an immigrant, I chose Canada. I don’t feel threatened at all by the U.S.A.

Gerard E. (Tim) Wood                                                                                                                                   Toronto

(President Trump has made some good moves including the ones you have mentioned and has successfully brought home many American hostages. The problem he bumps up against in Canada is he’s unjustifiably attacking us with tariffs)


Is Lake Ontario now Lake New York? Just wondering.

John Gifkins                                                                                                                                                  Toronto

(It’s not for sale)