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So we have a party that has no qualms about sacrificing Canada for the survival of their party. Blame Trump all you want, but the people supporting the Liberal Party and NDP can take the blame for where we are today. We’ve had a decade to increase our military spending, increase border security, vet our immigration, including education visas. Our leaders treated requests to increase defence and tighten immigration security with arrogance and dismissal. Where do people think we should be?
Norm Krentz Maple Ridge, B.C.
(The Trudeau Liberals have left our country in a vulnerable position with policies that didn’t control our border, halted resource development and hurt our economy)
The Liberal campaign slogan for this Ontario election should be as follows: We almost destroyed this province the last time we were in power, so give us another chance so we can finish the job.
Don Monette Whitby
(But apparently the Liberal leader likes to do push-ups!)
Why is it that the biggest mouthpieces for climate change have the biggest carbon footprints? Do they not believe what they are telling us? One of the biggest carbon emitters in the world are planes, and look at how Justin Trudeau constantly flies all over the world. Yet, he tells us to lower our emissions. Is it the old do as I say, not as I do because I’m special?
Gregg W Collins Oro-Medonte, Ont.
(He’s a hypocrite)
This question in the Canadian media on who is the best person as prime minister to work with Donald Trump? The answer is nobody. Donald Trump does not care about anything or anybody, and trusts only himself. He has a God complex, and this makes him a danger to the world as we know it. The next four years will be a challenge for all world leaders. I only hope they are up for it.
Donald Auld Mississauga
(That’s quite true on many levels)