GB News can reveal that multiple radical Islamic preachers are coming to the UK in a few days’ time.
Mufti Muhammed Ibn Muneer studied Islam in Yemen when it was an al-Qaeda stronghold.
He preaches that Muslims should hate non-Muslims.
He thinks Muslims should be able to say that Jews have earned Allah’s wrath.

Patrick Christys
He says that the highest form of martyrdom is to die fighting jihad.
He appears to suggest that Jews are evil.
He thinks that men shouldn’t have to ask for permission to have multiple wives and if a woman doesn’t like it, then suck it up sister, your man has dominion over you.
He also appears to say that adulterers should be stoned to death. He uses the term ‘Zina’ which means adultery in Islam. But he appears to suggest it should be done to make them suffer.
Oh and he says removing jihad from the Quran is like removing the sweetness from honey, and makes a point that wearing designer clothes might support homosexuality or the people who bomb Palestinians.
is founded by a Jewish man, and proudly states that they have supported the LGBTQ+ community for more than 25 years.

Quite literally not practicing what he preaches there, Mufti my old mate.
He is due to take part in a Ramadan extravaganza that is coming to London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds and Glasgow between the 19th and 23rd of Feb.
But hang on a minute, who else is on that leaflet? Ah that’s Mohammed Hoblos.
Hoblos, who is Australian and Lebanese, has been banned from the Schengen Area for being too extremist and radical. He said that whilst all sins were bad, Muslim pedophiles who never miss prayer are better, in the eyes of Allah, than good citizens who do miss prayers. Which is interesting in light of the Pakistani rape gang epidemic.
He reportedly supported violence carried out by Hamas and called for other Muslims to support it.
So he is deemed too radical for continental Europe, but he’s fine to come to Birmingham, Leeds, London, Manchester and Glasgow. Great.
I don’t think these people should be allowed to come to Britain. I don’t think they should be allowed to spew their medieval hatred in our country but more than that, much more than that…what is the ideology of someone who buys a ticket to go and watch these radicals speak?
Should that not, in itself, be a massive red flag to the authorities? Is that not an indication that they themselves might be radical?
We’ve got form for this – an Islamist cleric who said critics of the Prophet Mohammed should have their heads “chopped off” was due to speak in the UK a couple of years ago.
Enayet Ullah Abbasi had his talks cancelled after a GB News investigation – he had praised Hitler for killing Jews. He praised the 9/11 hijakers. He was allowed into Britain.
So we’ll let these people in – to give talks to crowds of people who, it seems, enjoy the kind of radical content they serve up? Why?
We have contacted charity One Ummah who appears to be organising the event. They haven’t got back to us – but apparently this is their London branch. Are you ready?
It looks like a derelict building in East London.
We have contacted the Home Office and they say they won’t comment on individual cases. So I’ll put a bet on now, £10, that this lot end up poisoning Britain with their presence in a few days time.