In a shocking piece of political cynicism Labour has just discovered they should deport illegal migrants. That’s despite having spent the last 30 years, dating back to the Blair-Brown era, being in favour of inviting to our shores folk by the million from every skint nation on earth.
And the reason for this volte face is nothing to do with a sudden dislike emerging but everything to do with the polls. Nigel Farage’s Reform is on 25% and Labour is on 24%. The Prime Minister suddenly woke up to the fact his survival was in danger.
Reform has struck a cord, especially with the white working class community, by campaigning for years against the huge of number of migrants – both legal and illegal – coming to our country. Nobody would listen. Certainly not Labour who looked upon these newcomers as voters for the future.
Nor would the Tories – Cameron, May, Boris- who thought any attempt to stop them coming here would be viewed as racist. How wrong and out of touch they were.
Suddenly Starmer sees that unless he is perceived to being doing ‘’something’’ about migrants he will be a one-term Prime Minister. So, you will see today, and all this week, attempts by Labour to show how tough they are being on the subject.
It’s total b*****s and will be seen as such.
The first minister to jump on the campaign bandwagon was Wes Streeting, the Heath Secretary. At the weekend he produced new data which showed that in 2016 there were 3,413 foreign doctors hired from outside Europe and last year that number had grown to 16,913 .
How many doctors did the UK produce in 2024? A paltry 9,000+. The doctors came from mainly countries- Pakistan, Egypt, Bangladesh. Streeting said Britain had been too willing in the past to ‘’pull the immigration lever’’. Well, knock me down with a feather.
He had never mentioned the line before.
He probably thinks he’s done for politically and therefore he might as well take a swing against doctors from other countries as he has nothing to lose. Why haven’t we been producing our own doctors? Simply, it’s cheaper to import them than train them.
There will be another other constituency who will hate his political cynicism; working class whites. They have seen their neighbourhoods change dramatically, their high street shops unrecognisable, and their job opportunities restricted. They won’t like this sudden switching of sides. They won’t believe it and will recognise it for what it is.
Frankly, its laughable how Starmer and his Cabinet is playing up to this hard man against the migrants image. Just look at the numbers. There was a big row recently when it was discovered – thanks to some old stats from Thames Water- that at least 1 in 12 of Londoners was an illegal.

Kelvin MacKenzie is cynical about Labour’s reasons for suddenly getting tough on migration
GB News
That number would be higher than 500,000. It would actually be a lot more as the Thames Water figure was from 2019 and there has been an enormous increase in migration over the last six years.
You wouldn’t need to be a genius to work out that the 500,000 number could easily be expanded to 1.5million if taken all over the country.
And yet Starmer was boasting that 16,000 had been deported since he came to power, although 8,000 of them had asked to go and simply wanted a free flight home.
I see The Times is reporting that Home Office Immigration Enforcement officers raided 828 business premises and made 509 arrests of illegal migrants working in car washes, nail bars, convenience stores and as delivery drivers.
It’s a drop in the ocean. Yes, its welcome, but will be fascinating to see how many are actually kicked out since countries like Afghanistan and Syria won’t take their citizens back. And we have immigration judges who will bow to any ridiculous argument by clapped out barristers to keep their clients in the UK.
There was a case in The Telegraph of an Albanian criminal allowed to stay here because his son will not eat foreign chicken nuggets. I joke you not.
I guarantee to you there the number of illegals in our country – they arrive by plane and simply overstay their visas- will increase in the years under Labour.
This is posturing by a Labour government and will be seen though by the numbers – and by an intelligent working class.