A viral video has captured an EasyJet worker at London Gatwick Airport repeatedly telling a passenger “it’s none of your business” during a heated dispute over luggage charges.

The incident, which occurred on January 7, shows the staff member clashing with content creator Mat Mora, 31, as he attempted to assist a couple being charged £50 for an oversized suitcase.

The couple had insisted another EasyJet employee at the check-in desk had already approved their bag size.

The footage shows the worker brushing off suggestions to verify this claim with her colleague, instead telling the passengers “there’s no point in arguing”.

Gatwick airport queue

A viral video has captured an EasyJet worker at London Gatwick Airport repeatedly telling a passenger “it’s none of your business” during a heated dispute over luggage charges


The TikTok video has since amassed more than 300,000 views, sparking debate about airline baggage policies.

The worker threatened the couple, saying: “You’re not going to get on the flight if you don’t pay”.

Despite their pleas to contact the check-in desk staff who had allegedly approved their bag, the employee refused to verify their claim.

Preparing to board a flight to Geneva, Mat Mora witnessed the exchange and attempted to intervene, suggesting it was a “good idea” to check with other staff.

The female employee responded by repeatedly telling him “you don’t need to get involved” and that it was “none of his business”.

The couple were ultimately forced to pay the £50 charge to board their flight.


Mora described the worker’s behaviour as “aggressive” and “unfair”, insisting that the luggage appeared to be a “regular sized carry-on baggage”.

Mat Mora, a London-based content creator, said he felt compelled to intervene when witnessing unfair treatment.

“If I see some kind of abusive behaviour or something unfair, I’m always happy to help,” he explained.

Mora revealed he had faced similar issues with EasyJet in October 2023 over a skateboard charge, which was later refunded after his video went viral, as he claimed there is an “obvious financial motivation” for agents to charge passengers extra fees.

“Almost every time I travel you see this situation, it happens to a lot of people,” Mora said.

He advised the couple to contact the airline for a refund, drawing from his own experience.

easyJet planes at Gatwick

Mora revealed he had faced similar issues with EasyJet in October 2023 over a skateboard charge


“If I wasn’t a content creator I don’t think they wouldn’t have apologised or refunded me,” he speculated.

The video sparked heated debate on social media, with many users criticising the staff member’s approach. One user commented: “The attitude on the staff is ridiculous.” Others branded the employee a “jobsworth”.

Some viewers defended the airline’s position, with one saying: “The bag is bigger than the bin. Why is it that people don’t read dimensions on the website?”

In response to the incident, an EasyJet spokesman said: “easyJet has clear and transparent policies on baggage and our ground staff are asked to apply these consistently in fairness to all customers.”

The airline added: “We are very sorry that Mr Maro has concerns with the service he received from our ground handler while flying from Gatwick.”