Well, the TTC has definitely looked better.

A nine-second video, originally posted by Reedinthestreet/IG on Feb. 6 and then reposted by 6ixBuzzTV on X under the headline “Another day on the TCC,” shows a man appearing to open things and then throw them down and around on a subway car stopped at North York Centre.

The camera begins on him before quickly panning to two TTC staff on the station’s platform and then goes back to the man tossing the garbage.

Stuart Green, the TTC’s senior communications specialist, was unaware of the specifics of the incident.

“Unfortunately we do see this kind of behaviour on the system from time to time,” he said.

“Standard practice when something like this is reported is the train would be held until appropriate staff arrive and the situation is resolved, Green added. “It is likely this train would have been taken out of service to allow for proper cleaning.”

A video posted on social media shows a man tossing garbage around on a subway car.
A video posted on social media shows a man tossing garbage around on a subway car.Photo by Reedinthestreet/IG, the original poster 

TTC Customer Service said on X, in response to someone who was concerned about the staff just standing there, that “Transit Enforcement Officers were on site shortly after and addressed the incident.”

Social media reaction ranged from funny to outraged.

“I thought this was the start of the Joker movie,” wrote @joshuapalassis.

“Not acceptable,” wrote @BADMOND91.

“Lost an item and looking for it?” wrote @Rokuwithyou.

“Whoa, always worried when my daughter travels to work on the TTC!! This is one of the reasons, so many people need help!!” added @kimberlyhautumn.