Donald Trump set the world agog with a barnstorming speech at his second Presidential inauguration.

He laid bare, in no uncertain terms, what we knew was coming—namely, popular common-sense tactics to address the long-time socially and economically debilitating political issues he has inherited.

Right from the get-go of his new administration, he promises to deliver security, safety, and prosperity and bring back pride to his woke nation.

Trump is back with a resounding set of promises and remedial actions, including dumping the 1.5-degree reduction in an arbitrary global warming target. With his usual aplomb, he is taking the USA out of the Paris Climate Accord for the second time.

Just a few hours after the inauguration, he told the world that the USA Net Zero fantasy project was dead.

He has made it clear for the nation to ‘drill baby drill’ for oil and gas. Plus, US manufacturers can put two fingers up to the previous socialist-enforced government interventionalist control.

This surely means car manufacturers can build more diesel and petrol vehicles, which under Donald Trump will be encouraged!

Amongst the torrent of executive orders President Trump signed, one of the most economically significant is his pronouncement to scrap the draconian regulations forcing American vehicle manufacturers to focus their production lines solely on electric vehicles.

We finally see a leader say, “Let the market dictate what we drive, not the dictatorial state.” Isn’t that what a free-market capitalist system should deliver?

Donald TrumpDonald Trump has hit out at UK net zero policies.Getty Images

Let’s hope Elon Musk, will share the same creed despite being the king of EVs. But how do you think Ed Miliband, Sir Keir Starmer and Labour’s one-direction front bench will respond here in Blighty?

I suspect that with their usual ignorance, arrogance, and far left-wing unproven idealism, with a mandate that they know what is best for us plebeians, even if it costs each of us, businesses, and the economy a proverbial arm and leg for no benefit whatsoever.

Those July 2024 voters put their trust in Labour to replace an incompetent, just as environmentally ignorant NetZero-driven Conservative administration.

But we have been betrayed and conned since the General Election into an even more miserable penury future for a gazillion-dollar green agenda that will not make the slightest difference to ‘saving the planet’.

And all choreographed through a chilling grin from Ed Miliband, who seems to be pulling the Prime Minister’s strings, with the help of Rachel from Accounts, when it comes to heading our country into an economic abyss.

So, I am excited beyond belief that Donald Trump is now leading the way so powerfully to influence the rest of the Western world to cut the self-inflicted destruction of their nations’ economies and, instead, genuinely deliver growth based on fossil fuels until renewables are guaranteed to be reliable and cheap.

None of The Don’s remedial plans were more impactful than his range of road user announcements, which are more than welcome to reverse President Biden’s deliberate misguided attack on driving.UK Drivers have always been the easiest fiscal targets for successive Governments.

In the last decade, mainly left-wing national and local governments have launched restrictive and costly road user policies by the score, including 20mph limits, congestion charges, ULEZs, tolls, LTNs and punitive fossil-fuelled parking costs.

Implemented under the cuddly guise that we must lead the world in lowering global warming emissions. To achieve this arrogantly led ambition, the nation uses expensive renewables, when available, to deliver a minuscule, woefully inadequate, unstable charging grid.

We are forced to drive expensive, less-than-green EVs that no one wants by dumping our clean, efficient diesel and petrol vehicles to look good in Lycra and cycle everywhere.

If we don’t comply, we are made to feel guilty as we go about our daily grind to survive in an economy on the brink of recession simply. This is the mantra of this new government, hell-bent on using mistruths and broken promises to stay in power.

As a result of this propaganda, scaremongering and inherent wokery, brainwashed Governments believe destroying livelihoods dependent on the internal combustion engine will arrogantly change the millennia of cyclical climate fluctuations. And it seems Keir Starmer et-al believe the pain is worth it!


StarmerSir Keir Starmer’s plan to reach Net Zero by 2030 will cost £116billion in additional investment, according to Aurora Energy Research PA

The climate change zealots’ doctrines have hit motorists the hardest. Well-off, bored middle-class idiots glue themselves to roads and desecrate works of art or gravestones to control all our lives based on their big virtue-signalling lies.

Despite economists, leading banks and big businesses queuing up to warn Labour that the journey to NetZero will cripple UK PLC, the EU and the UK remain doggedly wedded to scrapping diesel and petrol cars.

Even though the highly respected Centre for Economics and Business Research claimed that the virtue-signalling 2030 Diesel/Petrol Ban will cost at least five times the alleged environmental benefits, the Labour Government is happy to bankrupt the economy with far from foolproof technology.

Ed Miliband should show us the actual cost of Net Zero against the alleged benefits. He can’t because there aren’t any!

Donald Trump should be warmly applauded for taking on the global Green myopics. Imagine our Prime Minister having some semblance of the same cajónes.

He’d see that a long-term road user strategy will deliver economic growth and prosperity without any draconian 2030 ban on new diesel and petrol car sales and EVs not continually being subsidised in a free market.

And scrap the penalties on our dwindling car manufacturers if they don’t produce enough EVs. The Betamax of road transport will soon be a distant memory as other technologies develop organically, not by state control. Dream on!