Despite advancements in cancer research, there is still much to be learned about the disease.

Recently, Dr Raj Arora took to TikTok to highlight a common symptom that often goes unnoticed. As a health expert and regular contributor to ITV‘s This Morning, Dr Arora frequently shares valuable advice online.

Her latest tip is particularly important for those who experience recurring mouth problems. She emphasized the importance of not ignoring the symptom, as it could be an indicator of a more serious issue, and it’s crucial for everyone to know when to seek medical attention.

Dr Arora explained: “Mouth ulcers. Now these are small sores on the inside of your mouth. These sores are normally red, yellow and white and they are extremely painful, and can be caused by a number of things.

“The most common ones are aphthous ulcers, also known as canker sores, and they can be caused by things like stress, biting the inside of your cheeks, a minor trauma and they can also be caused by consumption of lots of acidic foods.”

Additionally, she noted that people who wear braces or retainers, as well as those experiencing hormonal changes, may be more prone to developing ulcers.

She added: “There are lots of health conditions that can lead to oral ulcers – things like vitamin deficiencies, things like viral, bacterial or fungal infections can lead to them, and even things like Crohn’s disease, Behçet’s disease and many other diseases like Lupus.

“In the UK, mouth cancer rates have been increasing over the last few decades, so it is important that we do shine a light on this. However, if you do have recurrent mouth ulcers, don’t panic – it might just be down to things like stress causing them.

“But, if you do have a mouth ulcer that’s been there for longer than three weeks, you should really get that checked out.”

What are the symptoms of mouth cancer?

If you have a mouth ulcer, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have mouth cancer. As Dr Arora notes, there are numerous causes behind oral ulcers.

However, there are specific signs to watch for, and any concerns should prompt a check-up. Symptoms of mouth cancer might include manifestations in any part of the mouth such as the gums, tongue, inside the cheeks or the lips.

Common symptoms can include:

  • A mouth ulcer that lasts for three weeks or more
  • A red or white patch inside your mouth
  • A lump inside your mouth or on your lips
  • Pain inside your mouth
  • Issues with swallowing
  • Issues with speaking, or a hoarse (croaky) voice
  • A lump in your neck or throat
  • Sudden or unexpected weight loss

Always keep in mind these symptoms are common and may stem from various conditions but, if they’re causing concern, it’s crucial to consult a GP or dentist. In instances where symptoms result from cancer, early diagnosis can significantly aid treatment.