A man lost 12st – more than the weight of a washing machine – in a year, after realising what his weight was doing to him thanks to his job. Lee Herring, 31, weighed 25st 1lbs, wore a size 5XL at his heaviest and gorged on chocolate, sweets, cream buns, microwave meals and Chinese takeaways.

Previously working as a community carer, Lee says he regularly dealt with people who had suffered from a stroke or heart attack and “really felt” the impact it had on victims and families. Lee decided to make a change to his own eating habits and lost 12st 1lb in the next 12 months.

He swapped his junk food meals for lean meat proteins, fruit and veg and slow-release energy porridge. Lee began walking daily and whilst initially only able to complete a “slow walk with lots of breathlessness”, Lee now does much longer walks up to 90 minutes at a time and does a lot of cardio on the treadmill.

Lee before he started losing weight
Lee before he started losing weight

Now weighing 12st 9lbs and a size medium, Lee managed to retain much of his lean body mass and is now turning his attention to strength training to begin toning up. Lee, a receptionist from Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, said: “I saw quite a lot of people who had had strokes, heartaches and diabetes through my old job and I really felt the impact not only the victims but on family and friends.

“So I thought I had to buck up my ideas and make a change with my diet. It was tough both physically and mentally – getting into that mentality and coping with cravings for sugary and fatty foods.I was exercising daily and the physical torment I went through for the first couple of months – but I kept telling myself to keep going.

“Also the diet – I’ve spoken to friends and family who call it a diet but it’s not a diet it’s a food relationship re-education programme.”

Lee gorged on chocolate, sweets, cream buns, microwave meals and Chinese takeaway
Lee gorged on chocolate, sweets, cream buns, microwave meals and Chinese takeaway

Prior to his weight loss journey, Lee said doing everything was “a challenge.” He added: “Everything was limited.Walking up stairs a challenge, getting in the car was a challenge too.I had a lot of joint pain, got tired easily and I was constantly breathless.”

He was having to wear 5XL clothes and had to order from specialised websites – now he can try things on in a shop. He added: “Now I’m a medium or large – I can walk into a clothes shop and pick something up and try it on.It gives me so much more freedom.”

Lee Herring after losing 12st (168lb) in one year
Lee Herring after losing 12st (168lb) in one year

Though he has shed a huge amount, Lee has a goal weight and hopes to hit it soon – around 75kg. He said: “The first couple of months I was averaging a loss of around 1.5st a month and it’s started to plateau now which is fine as I’m at an acceptable weight which is good.

“Over the year it has evened out. I want to keep on the same track.The weight loss has slowed down a little bit so it’s just a case of maintaining that healthy lifestyle.I always stress that I’ve not done this cosmetically, my main motivating factor was purely for health.

Lee Herring after losing 12st
Lee Herring after losing 12st

“Being there for my friends and family – I didn’t want them to see me like that and worry about me, that was my motivating factor.

“There were times when I wanted to give up but it’s been so worth it.”