It has become routine to decry our civil servants and politicians as incompetent, lazy and, increasingly, illiterate.
Given the speed at which the country is accelerating towards the cliffs, all three adjectives are surely accurate, if not too soft.
With tedious regularity, sundry establishment figures come out to make an announcement, supposedly designed to cheer the multitudes.
Each one, however, is a confirmation that something fundamental is broken.
Last month, for instance, Rachel Reeves, our Chancellor, saw fit to announce a deal with China.
The Middle Kingdom would, she told us with a straight face, invest as much as £600million into the UK over the next five years.

Britain is lurching towards a totalitarian nightmare, writes Alex Story
Getty Images
This represents around two and a half days of interest re-payment on our national debt, which as of December 2024 stood at£267 million per day, over half a decade.
Only a few days ago, she announced something even more depressing.
The UK government would support the construction of a third runway at Heathrow Airport, which could be ready “in a decade”.
She added, risus fatui, that “a third runway could increase potential GDP by 0.43% by 2050”.
Eyebrows rose at the exceedingly precise projected growth number in a quarter of a century’s time.
Next though all laughed heartily they realised that she was peddling, with the gumption of a dodgy second-hand car salesman, a pulsating 0.017% of expected growth per year over that same period.
Amusingly, industry experts felt the figures too optimistic.
Ryanair CEO, Michael O’Leary, for his part, was much less charitable.
He declared the Heathrow expansion “a dead cat”, which, “if it ever arrives”, might be finished in “about 2040, 2045 or 2050”, adding damningly that it “will not deliver any growth”.
These two examples tell us how far Great Britain has fallen.
The first shows that the UK is seen with the pity a lion feels for a fawn by the powers of the Far East; the second why they are right to view us in that light.
Indeed, there are so many instances of failures in every single department of the State that it is a marvel the country, though on the precipice, hasn’t already fully collapsed into a sea of chaos, drowning as she is in unrepayable debts and so much more.
Ineptitude is our officialdom’s badge of honour.
From one perspective, it is because, as a rule, government incompetence leads to more government spending, just as obesity leads to more consumption.
State projects and initiatives that are never completed are a money printing exercise for our self-appointed “expert class”, made up of civil servants, officials, lawyers, consultants and their friends.
Incentives for immobilism aretherefore irresistible.
And best of all, there are no consequences, only tax rises and yet more spending.
Had it to do with incompetence, it might still be recoverable.
It is, though, the wrong way to look at what we are witnessing.
Instead, our gaze must be set on the fact that the accelerating deconstruction of our country is policy, fuelled by a deep loathing of what we were.
There is no better illustration of this than the Border Security, Asylum and Immigration bill 2025.
The Act will ease the path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
While much of the population wants huge reductions in immigration, a desire that has been at the top of voters’ concerns for decades, the government plans to do not just the opposite, but far worse.
In doing so, our government is telling us as brutally as it can that we, as Britons, do not exist.
We are merely one among many, though fast shrinking, communities on the Islands.
Our voices at the ballot box, and our relevance, are deliberately set to fade yet more in an increasing cacophony of voices from across the Channel.
Importantly, this law comes on top of calls from the extreme left (if there any other?) to change electoral laws that would give non-citizens and 16-year-olds the vote and “scrapping ID requirements altogether” to counter “populist politics”.
Such laws are not passed because our leaders love the United Kingdom and are anxious to bestow on our great grandchildren what we inherited from our great-grand fathers.
Quite the opposite.
Revealed in all this is that we are led by people who have a history of standing against our national interest and for the international – two irreconcilable positions.
Reeves advertised her true political affiliation when she hung a portrait of “Red Ellen”, a founding member of the Communist Party in the UK, in her office a few months ago. In this case, she is verily what she advertises.
For his part, Keir Starmer, as editor of and writer for Socialist Alternatives and Socialist Lawyers, consistently supported the most extreme anti-British positions.
Few have been the occasions when he stood on the patriotic and sovereignty yearning side of the argument. If he has, it was either a by mistake or expedient to do so.
He was pro-Soviet when the Communist behemoth was collapsing. In the Bunker, to the last, he still believed, almost certainly shedding tears of irrevocable loss when Ceausescu was shot and the Berlin Wall torn down.
He learned from Lenin that “it is necessary… to use any ruse, cunning, unlawful method, evasion, concealment of the truth” to gain and maintain power.
Having backed communist totalitarianism most of his life, and the immiseration that system imposed on hundreds of millions, he seamlessly became a human rights lawyer.
The “means to an end” and, as Marx preached, the “revolution in permanence”, are Starmer and Reeves’ cherished creeds.
His views haven’t changed over the decades as he made clear to Patrick Maguire in a New Statesman interview back in March 2020.
Certain of his own righteousness, he never forgave the working man siding with that woman from the grocery store and for the 18 years of perceived humiliation that followed when the Left lay prostrate, its poisonous ideas ready to be thrown on the rubbish tip of failed ideologies.
And so, the private sector working, home-owning, profit-making, family building, flag waving, “seeped in ancestral Christian traditions” man – the monolith, as the editorial collective of the Socialist Alternatives used to refer to him – was the native enemy, the class traitor, who has remained unforgiven and deserving of eternal punishment, for the instinct of communists “is infallible when it comes knowing its enemy.”
In his humiliation, he must remain voiceless and pay evermore for the privilege of seeing his country turn to ruins, and his daughters subjugated, while Starmer and Reeves explain why expropriation and multiculturalism are in his best interest.
And if the new immigration bill, granting citizenship to lawbreakers, is not enough evidence, the recent leaked “rapid analytical sprint” report launched by Yvette Cooper provides yet more.
It states that complaining that there is such a thing as two-tier policing or that there are Pakistani grooming gangs are signs of “far-right extremism”, among other things, urging ministers to increase police use of “non-crime hate incidents”. If not official policy, it is so de-facto.
In short, we witness the totalitarian Socialist Alternatives revolution in real-time.
“Moral truth has been vindicated by the ruin that follows when it has been repudiated”, Fulton J. Sheen wrote in Communism and the Conscience of the West.
How right he was. Truth in the UK is now the crime. And ruin is set to follow.
Run by a well-ensconced mediocrity oozing caste that hates her, Britain’s former glory purposefully turned to rubble, she is fading into darkness, bullied into putrid corners by the self-serving lies, deceit and betrayal of her revolutionary officials.
Let us hang on to her memory lovingly as long as we can, should the sun’s rays of hope deign shine again.