The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) is warning drivers about various medical conditions that could affect their ability to drive. It urges individuals to declare any listed conditions to remain compliant with regulations.

It cautions that failing to report a condition that impacts driving could result in a substantial fine. It warns: “You need to tell DVLA about some medical conditions as they can affect your driving.

“You can be fined up to £1,000 if you do not tell DVLA about a medical condition that affects your driving.” In addition to the listed conditions, you may choose to voluntarily give up your licence. You might choose to do this if:

  • you do not meet the required standards for driving because of your medical condition
  • your doctor tells you to stop driving for three months or more
  • your medical condition affects your ability to drive safely and lasts for three months or more

However if you have a medical condition that affects your driving but don’t voluntarily give up your licence, you must inform the DVLA, which will decide if you can continue holding a driving licence. The GOV.UK website lists a number of A-Z conditions. This applies to people across the UK whether you drive a car, motorcycle or another vehicle.


Medical condition Check if you need to report
Absence seizures Check the guidance on seizures and epilepsy
Acoustic neuroma Check the guidance on acoustic neuroma
Addison’s disease Check the guidance on Addison’s disease
Agoraphobia Check the guidance on agoraphobia
Alcohol problems Check the guidance on alcohol problems
Alzheimer’s disease Check the guidance on Alzheimer’s disease
Amaurosis fugax Check the guidance on transient ischaemic attacks and mini-strokes
Amputations Check the guidance on amputations
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Check the guidance on motor neuron disease – also known as ALS
Angina Check the guidance on angina
Angioplasty Check the guidance on heart attacks and angioplasty
Ankylosing spondylitis Check the guidance on ankylosing spondylitis
Anorexia nervosa Check the guidance on eating disorders
Anxiety Check the guidance on anxiety
Aortic aneurysm Check the guidance on aortic aneurysms
Arachnoid cyst Check the guidance on arachnoid cysts
Arrhythmia Check the guidance on arrhythmias
Atrial defibrillator Check the guidance on defibrillators
Arteriovenous malformation Check the guidance on arteriovenous malformations
Arthritis Check the guidance on arthritis
Asperger syndrome Check the guidance on autistic spectrum condition, including asperger syndrome
Ataxia Check the guidance on ataxia, including Friedrich’s ataxia
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Check the guidance on ADHD
Autistic spectrum condition Check the guidance on autistic spectrum condition, including asperger syndrome


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Balloon angioplasty (leg) Check the guidance on balloon angioplasties in the leg
Bipolar disorder Check the guidance on bipolar disorder – previously known as manic depression
Blackouts Check the guidance on blackouts and fainting
Blepharospasm Check the guidance on eye conditions
Blood clots Check the guidance on blood clots
Blood pressure Check the guidance on blood pressure
Brachial plexus injury Check the guidance on brachial plexus injuries
Brain abscess, cyst or encephalitis Check the guidance on brain abscesses, cysts or encephalitis
Brain aneurysm Check the guidance on brain aneurysms
Brain angioma Check the guidance on angiomas
Brain haemorrhage Check the guidance on brain haemorrhages
Brain injury (traumatic) Check the guidance on traumatic brain injuries
Brain tumours Check the guidance on brain tumours
Broken limbs Check the guidance on broken limbs
Brugada syndrome Check the guidance on Brugada syndrome
Burr hole surgery Check the guidance on burr hole surgery


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Caesarean section Check the guidance on surgery
Cancer Check the guidance on cancer (not including leukaemia)
Cataracts Check the guidance on eye conditions
Catheter ablation Check the guidance on catheter ablations
Cardiac problems Check the guidance on cardiac problems
Carotid artery stenosis Check the guidance on carotid artery stenosis
Cataplexy Check the guidance on cataplexy
Cavernoma Check the guidance on cavernomas
Central venous thrombosis Check the guidance on central venous thrombosis
Cerebral palsy Check the guidance on cerebral palsy
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Check the guidance on Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Chiari malformation Check the guidance on Chiari malformation
Chronic aortic dissection Check the guidance on chronic aortic dissection
Cognitive problems Check the guidance on cognitive problems
Congenital heart disease Check the guidance on congenital heart disease
Convulsions Check the guidance on fits, convulsions and seizures
Coronary artery bypass or disease Check the guidance on coronary artery bypass or disease
Coronary angioplasty Check the guidance on heart attacks and angioplasty
Cranial nerve palsy (with double vision Check the guidance on eye conditions
Cystic fibrosis Check the guidance on cystic fibrosis


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Deafness Check the guidance on deafness
Defibrillator Check the guidance on defibrillators
Déjà vu Check the guidance on deja vu
Dementia Check the guidance on dementia
Depression Check the guidance on depression
Diabetes Check the guidance on diabetes
Dilated cardiomyopathy Check the guidance on dilated cardiomyopathy
Diplopia (double vision) Check the guidance on eye conditions
Dizziness Check the guidance on dizziness (including vertigo)
Drug misuse Check the guidance on drug misuse


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Eating disorders Check the guidance on eating disorders
Empyema (brain) Check the guidance on brain empyemas
Epilepsy Check the guidance on seizures and epilepsy
Essential tremor Check the guidance on essential tremors
Eye conditions Check the guidance on eye conditions


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Fainting Check the guidance on blackouts and fainting
Fits Check the guidance on fits, convulsions and seizures
Fractured skull Check the guidance on head injuries
Friedreich’s ataxia Check the guidance on ataxia, including Friedrich’s ataxia


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Glaucoma Check the guidance on eye conditions
Global amnesia Check the guidance on global amnesia
Grand mal seizures Check the guidance on seizures and epilepsy
Guillain-Barré syndrome Check the guidance on Guillain Barré syndrome


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Head injury Check the guidance on head injuries
Heart attack Check the guidance on heart attacks and angioplasty
Heart arrhythmia Check the guidance on arrhythmias
Heart failure Check the guidance on heart failure
Heart murmurs Check the guidance on heart murmurs
Heart palpitations Check the guidance on heart palpitations
Heart valve disease or replacement valve Check the guidance on heart valve disease or replacement valves
High blood pressure Check the guidance on high blood pressure
HIV or AIDS Check the guidance on HIV
Hodgkin’s lymphoma Check the guidance on Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Huntington’s disease Check the guidance on Huntington’s disease
Hydrocephalus Check the guidance on hydrocephalus
Hypertension Check the guidance on high blood pressure
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Check the guidance on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hypoglycaemia Check the guidance on hypoglycaemia
Hypoxic brain damage Check the guidance on hypoxic brain damage
Hysterectomy Check the guidance on surgery


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) Check the guidance on defibrillators
Intracerebral haemorrhage Check the guidance on intracerebral haemorrhages
Ischaemic heart disease Check the guidance on ischaemic heart disease


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Kidney dialysis Check the guidance on kidney dialysis (also known as renal dialysis
Kidney problems Check the guidance on kidney problems
Korsakoff’s syndrome Check the guidance on Korsakoff’s syndrome


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Labyrinthitis Check the guidance on labyrinthitis
Learning difficulties Check the guidance on learning difficulties
Left bundle branch block Check the guidance on left bundle branch blocks
Leukaemia Check the guidance on leukaemia
Lewy body dementia Check the guidance on Lewy body dementia
Limb disability Check the guidance on limb disability
Long QT syndrome Check the guidance on Long QT syndrome
Loss of an eye Check the guidance on monocular vision
Low blood sugar Check the guidance on hypoglycaemia
Lumboperitoneal shunt Check the guidance on lumboperitoneal shunts
Lung cancer Check the guidance on lung cancer
Lymphoma Check the guidance on lymphoma


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Macular degeneration Check the guidance on eye conditions
Malignant brain tumours Check the guidance on brain tumours
Malignant melanoma Check the guidance on malignant melanoma
Manic depressive psychosis Check the guidance on bipolar disorder – previously known as manic depression
Marfan’s syndrome Check the guidance on Marfan’s syndrome
Medulloblastoma Check the guidance on medulloblastomas
Memory problems (severe) Check the guidance on severe memory problems
Meningioma Check the guidance on meningioma
Mini-stroke Check the guidance on transient ischaemic attacks and mini-strokes
Monocular vision (sight in one eye only) Check the guidance on monocular vision
Motor neurone disease Check the guidance on motor neurone disease
Multiple sclerosis Check the guidance on multiple sclerosis
Muscular dystrophy Check the guidance on muscular dystrophy
Myasthenia gravis Check the guidance on myasthenia gravis
Myocardial infarction Check the guidance on heart attacks and angioplasty
Myoclonus Check the guidance on myoclonus


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Narcolepsy Check the guidance on narcolepsy
Night blindness Check the guidance on eye conditions


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Obsessive compulsive disorder Check the guidance on obsessive compulsive disorder
Obstructive sleep apnoea Check the guidance on excessive sleepiness
Ocular myasthenia gravis (with double vision) Check the guidance on eye conditions
Ophthalmoplegia (with double vision) Check the guidance on eye conditions


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Pacemakers Check the guidance on pacemakers
Palpitations Check the guidance on heart palpitations
Paranoia Check the guidance on paranoia
Paranoid schizophrenia Check the guidance on paranoia
Paraplegia Check the guidance on paraplegia
Parkinson’s disease Check the guidance on Parkinson’s disease
Peripheral arterial disease Check the guidance on peripheral arterial disease
Peripheral neuropathy Check the guidance on peripheral neuropathy
Personality disorder Check the guidance on personality disorders
Petit mal seizures Check the guidance on seizures and epilepsy
Pituitary tumour Check the guidance on pituitary tumours
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Check the guidance on PTSD
Psychosis Check the guidance on psychosis
Psychotic depression Check the guidance on psychotic depression
Pulmonary arterial hypertension Check the guidance on pulmonary arterial hypertension


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Renal dialysis Check the guidance on kidney dialysis (also known as renal dialysis
Retinal artery fugax Check the guidance on transient ischaemic attacks and mini-strokes
Retinitis pigmentosa Check the guidance on eye conditions
Retinopathy (with laser treatment) Check the guidance on eye conditions


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Schizo-affective disorder Check the guidance on schizo-affective disorders
Schizophrenia Check the guidance on schizophrenia
Scotoma Check the guidance on scotoma
Seizures Check the guidance on fits, convulsions and seizures
Severe communication disorders Check the guidance on severe communication disorders
Severe depression Check the guidance on severe depression
Sight in one eye only Check the guidance on monocular vision
Sleep apnoea Check the guidance on excessive sleepiness
Sleepiness (excessive) Check the guidance on excessive sleepiness
Spinal problems and injuries Check the guidance on spinal problems
Stroke Check the guidance on strokes
Subarachnoid haemorrhage Check the guidance on subarachnoid haemorrhages
Surgery Check the guidance on surgery
Syncope Check the guidance on blackouts and fainting


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Tachycardia Check the guidance on tachycardia
Temporal lobe epilepsy Check the guidance on seizures and epilepsy
Tonic clonic fits Check the guidance on seizures and epilepsy
Tourette’s syndrome Check the guidance on Tourette’s syndrome
Transient global amnesia Check the guidance on global amnesia
Transient ischaemic attack Check the guidance on transient ischaemic attacks and mini-strokes
Tunnel vision Check the guidance on eye conditions


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Usher syndrome Check the guidance on Usher syndrome


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Valve disease or replacement valve Check the guidance on heart valve disease or replacement valves
Ventricular defibrillator Check the guidance on defibrillators
Vertigo Check the guidance on dizziness (including vertigo)
Vision in one eye only Check the guidance on monocular vision
Visual acuity (reduced) Check the guidance on eye conditions
Visual field defect Check the guidance on eye conditions
VP shunts Check the guidance on VP shunts


Medical condition Check if you need to report it
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

How do I declare my condition to the DVLA?

If you live in Northern Ireland, you can read how to do that here. In order to declare your condition if you live in the UK, you can do that here. The service is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Before you begin, you’ll need to enter details about your current driving licence and your condition. Make sure you have this to hand before you begin and if you’re unsure how your condition affects you, contact your GP.