A primary school in south Bristol has “taken effective action to maintain” ‘Outstanding’ standards which were identified at a previous inspection in 2018. Oasis Academy Marksbury Road, in Bedminster, remains at an ‘Outstanding’ level following an ungraded inspection on December 17 and 18.
The primary school has 376 pupils on its school roll and was described as a “happy and welcoming school that lies at the heart of the community”. Pupils told inspectors that the school is a “diverse place” and they understand that staff expect them to work hard and do their best, resulting in pupils being well-prepared for the next stage of education.
Pupils at the school live up to the school’s high expectations and show “exceptional manners and courtesy”. The atmosphere around the school is “calm and purposeful”.
The Ofsted report said: “The school has a clear vision for what pupils can achieve. It recognises that the context of the school has changed since the last inspection, particularly the increasing numbers of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). With this in mind, the school has taken effective action to refine and further develop the quality of education that it provides so that pupils typically achieve well.
“With the support of the trust (Oasis Community Learning), the school has put in place an ambitious curriculum that is thoughtfully designed and sequenced. The school ensures that reading is a priority, older pupils say that reading helps them ‘go into another world’. As they move through the school, pupils read a range of texts with increasing accuracy, fluency and expression.
“Following disappointing outcomes in last year’s national tests for phonics, the school has provided staff with additional training and support to strengthen their teaching. The impact of this is clear, pupils learn and remember new sounds well. If pupils fall behind, they receive the help and support they need to catch up quickly.”
In most subjects, teachers routinely check what pupils know and remember and use this knowledge to address any gaps in pupils’ knowledge. However, the checks that teachers make are not used well enough in some subjects.
The provision for pupils with SEND is a “strength” at Oasis Academy Marksbury Road. Robust systems are in place to identify particular needs and pupils with SEND receive the support they need to access the full curriculum, as a result, achieving well.
The report said: “Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning are exemplary, which means that everyone can learn without disruption. This starts in the early years where children settle into school routines quickly.
“The school monitors attendance rigorously. When attendance is a concern, staff work closely with parents and carers to bring about necessary improvements. Most pupils attend school regularly because of this.
“The school’s offer to develop pupils personally is impressive. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe, learning about the dangers of drugs or how to administer first aid. They understand why fundamental British values, such as tolerance, are important in the world they live in.
“The trust fulfils its statutory duties effectively. It regularly reviews how well the curriculum is being taught. Staff enjoy working at the school and value the ‘family’ feel that exists. They appreciate the coaching they receive which develops their expertise and builds the confidence to teach the curriculum well.”