Cleaning products can be a significant expense, especially if you’re someone who likes to keep their home spick and span.
However, there are plenty of everyday items that can do the job just as well – and one of them could be sitting in your kitchen right now.
According to experts at, aluminium foil, which costs as little as £1.40, is an effective tool for removing hard water or soap scum stains from shower glass.
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While cleaning kits can set you back £25 and window vacuums over £80, a roll of foil from Asda can do the job just as well, reports the Express.
To tackle those stubborn hard water stains on your shower doors, simply dip a sheet of foil in white wine vinegar and gently scrub the glass.
The foil helps to break down the mineral buildup, leaving your shower doors sparkling clean. The experts say that using one sheet of foil could save you between £23 to £78.

But it’s not just your shower door that can benefit from this cleaning method.
If you have old silver cutlery that’s seen better days, you can revitalise it by lining a bowl with aluminium and adding a bit of baking soda.
Then, add hot water and your cutlery, and the chemical reaction between the aluminium and baking soda will remove the stains from your silver, making it look shiny and new.
And instead of using a sponge or brush to scrub your dirty pots and pans, you can roll some foil into a ball and use it to eliminate those tough food stains with a squeeze of washing up liquid.
Your homemade scrubber will now tackle those stubborn marks – just avoid using them on non-stick pans as it could damage the protective surface.