In the UK, approximately one in three people will face dementia during their lifetime. While no cure currently exists for the condition, there are available treatments which aim to ease symptoms. This concern has led an ER doctor to share insights on recognising the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease that might be discernible in oneself or a loved one. Dr Joe, who goes by @drjoe_md on TikTok, has taken to the platform with a keen message for those worried about their health.
He prefaces: “If you’re worried about mum or dad, here’s 10 early signs of Alzheimer’s disease you should know about. Number one – memory loss that disrupts daily life such as repeated questions, forgetting information that you recently learnt, or increased reliance on reminders to remember things.”
For those finding it hard to follow through with plans or solve problems, like struggling with bill payments or following a recipe, Dr Joe suggests this could signify the onset of Alzheimer’s and advises talking to a health professional. He shares: “Number three – difficulty completing familiar tasks such as driving to a location they’ve visited numerous times or organising a grocery list. Number four – confusion with time and place. They may not understand something if it’s not happening immediately or they may forget where they are or what they’re doing there.”
In discussing other warning signs, he mentioned difficulties that individuals may experience in understanding visual images and spatial relationships. He highlighted how this might manifest while driving due to depth perception issues, or when someone encounters problems with balance or reading.
He explained: “Number six – new problems with words in speaking or writing. They can have trouble joining in on a conversation or understanding a conversation. They stop talking halfway through when they’re speaking because they don’t know how to finish that conversation.”
“Number seven – misplacing things and they can’t retrace their steps to figure it out. Often they’ll place things in odd areas such as the TV remote in the fridge and sometimes they’ll accuse people of stealing because in their mind they can’t believe that it’s in the fridge.”
He also identified poor judgement as an indicator of Alzheimer’s, in addition to a tendency to withdraw from work or social scenarios. Addressing another concerning change, he said: “Number 10 – changes in mood or personality. This can be one of the most disturbing because sometimes it’s grandma who has always been known to be sweet and loving but suddenly she’s cursing out the grandchildren.”
While Alzheimer’s can affect anyone at any age, statistics show that it is more likely to develop in those over 65 years old. The NHS statement clarifies: “The risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia increases with age, affecting an estimated 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 and 1 in every 6 people over the age of 80.”
However, approximately 1 in every 13 individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease are under the age of 65, a condition known as early- or young-onset Alzheimer’s. Responding to his video, one viewer shared: “My parents were diagnosed with dementia at the same time. I managed to take care of them, it can be very hard.” Another added: “I was 48 when I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.” A third user revealed: “My husband was diagnosed with early onset dementia 17 years ago. Everything has stayed the same.”