Keeping white laundry pristine, especially towels, can be a real chore. Even after numerous washes, the stubborn greyish hue on soiled towels refuses to budge.

The sight of once-white towels turning grey over time, losing their softness and fluffiness, is far from appealing. But before you consider discarding those stained, hardened towels, laundry experts at Hello Laundry have a natural solution up their sleeve.

They suggest using borax to restore the whiteness and soft texture of your towels, describing it as “one of the most powerful chemicals”. This white powder acts as a detergent booster, they explain, adding: “Borax powder not only helps in whitening the towels but also helps with the removal of stains and greasy marks.”

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To utilise this product, combine half a cup of detergent powder with half a cup of borax. Add your dirty towels to the washing machine and pour in the borax-detergent mix.

Wash the towels on a delicate cycle and then air dry them. The experts assure: “You will find that not only the greyish tinge of the towels has disappeared but also the towels have become extra white and fluffy.”

A faded towel hanging in the bathroom by the shower
Avoid your towels getting like this by using borax or borax alternatives (Image: Getty Images)

However, borax isn’t available for purchase in the UK, as , reported by the Express. Households should seek out a borax substitute instead, which can be found online at Natural Collection for £1.99 or at Robert Dyas for £2.69.

Laundry specialists assert that lemon juice can play a dual role when it comes to towel care, boasting the ability to both whiten and soften the fabric. They suggest: “Rinse your towels in the washing machine and then add a few teaspoons of lemon juice to whiten the towels.”

“Be sure to add the lemon juice when the machine is nearing the onset of the rinsing cycle and skip the fabric conditioner when you use it for washing towels.”

To guarantee optimal whitening results on stained towels, it’s recommended that households use lemon juice that is freshly squeezed directly from lemons.