A lively discussion has erupted on TikTok over the optimal amount of laundry to load into a washing machine for effective cleaning. The conversation was sparked by a user who uploaded a video showing her machine half-loaded, explaining that this allows “enough room for the clothes to move around in the washing machine in order for the clothes to be cleaned properly.”
This claim quickly peaked the interest of other users in the comments, sparking a debate: should one fully load their washing machine or not? The cost implications of running less-than-full loads were a concern among many commenters, particularly with the rising cost of living.
One person pointed out: “We know this Rachel, but in the UK we have the cost of living.” Another user admitted to a more haphazard approach: “I fill it to the brim and hope for the best.”
However, an expert from the appliance industry has stepped in to settle the dispute. Matthew Ayres of RDO Kitchens and Appliances provided clarity on the matter, suggesting that the ideal load is actually about 75% full for optimal results, reports the Express.
He advised: “It’s important to be economical when filling your washing machines and washer dryers while ensuring that you get the best performance from your appliances.There are multiple sizes of washing machines available, from small to medium and large loads, which can hold over 10kg of clothes at the time of use. The load capacity of the washing machine is always referred to as dry laundry.”
Washing machines come in a variety of sizes, catering to small, medium and large loads, with some capable of accommodating over 10kg of clothes at a time. It’s important to note that the load capacity refers to dry laundry.

Mr Ayres further explained that information regarding the machine’s load size can be found either on the appliance itself or within the user manual, providing guidance on the maximum amount of clothing it should contain.
He said: “When loading the machine, ensure you’re not packing the laundry down. The clothes should be in a loose pile, so if you have to push the laundry down to fit more in, you are overloading your washing machine.”
Leaving some room allows your clothes to move freely, enabling water and detergent to effectively clean your garments. Matt also warned against the repercussions of overfilling your washing machine, stating: “At the cost of fitting in an extra pair of jeans or two, soon it could cost £100s in repair fees or even lead to having to buy a new washer.”
Overloading can place undue stress on the motor, which drives the drum spin, potentially causing it to break.
Similarly, excessively large loads can damage the machine’s bearings, hindering its functionality and leading to damage.