If you’re prone to migraines, consider incorporating this fruit into your diet.

Migraines, known for their moderate to severe headaches typically affecting one side of the head, can be incredibly painful and debilitating. Accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound, they can strike anyone but are particularly common during menstrual cycles.

While ample sleep and painkillers are often the go-to remedies when a migraine hits, there’s something else you could do to potentially reduce the risk of them occurring in the first place – eat more of a specific fruit. A TikTok user named Sid has shared her tips for managing menstrual migraines, highlighting the importance of increasing magnesium intake.

To get more magnesium in your diet, you should consider eating more avocado – as well as nuts like almonds. Avocados provide around 14% of your daily value, and about 30g of almonds offer 18%.

A 2021 study found that magnesium oxide was as effective as valproate sodium in preventing migraine attacks without any adverse side effects. Many people don’t get enough magnesium from their diet, so taking magnesium oxide supplements is a common preventative measure for regular migraine sufferers – but improving your diet is an excellent starting point.

According to BBC Good Food, avocados are not just a tasty addition to your meals; they could also be the key to managing migraines. The fruit is packed with mono-unsaturated fat and linoleic acid, which can help control cholesterol levels and boost heart health.

But that’s not all – avocados are also rich in potassium, folate, fibre, vitamin E and carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, all of which can support eye health. These carotenoids can even enhance the health and appearance of your skin, protecting it from UV damage.

In her video on tackling migraines, Sid also recommended hot and cold therapy, involving a cold compress or towel dipped in cold water on your forehead and a heat pack or hot towel around the back of your neck. She also extolled the virtues of peppermint oil mixed with coconut oil, rubbed into the temples and back of the head for effective relief.

If you have a headache, the NHS recommends drinking plenty of water, getting rest, taking paracetamol or ibuprofen, and avoiding alcohol and straining your eyes for a long time. If your headaches keep coming back, or get worse, you feel sick or vomit because they are so painful you should see a GP.