Many dieters often turn to fruit and veg to boost their weight loss efforts. It is well known that as well as being tasty it is usually packed with health-boosting vitamins ideal for warding off colds and other bugs.

When part of a healthy and balanced diet, fruits are important as a result of the high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they containn. But some also contain protein which can make them helpful when it comes to trying to lose weight.

The varieties with higher levels of protein offer natural energy to help with workouts while satisfying hunger. This makes them great at helping achieve those fitness aims.

Protein is vital for muscle regeneration and development which is why it is so important when it comes to exercise. Eating these fruits frequently helps contribute to good health as well as being the great option for those who want to tone their body and lose weight.

They provide natural energy for your workouts and help satisfy hunger. This makes them perfect for achieving fitness goals without sacrificing eating, reports La Nacion.

With one in five adults in England obese and a further 37% overweight anything that can help shed the pounds is worth considering. Here are the top five protein-packed foods and why it is worth incorporating them into your diet.


a lot of ripe red pomegranates with a cut off top, close-up background, space for an inscription. High quality photo
Pomegranate contains 2.9% protein (Image: Getty Images)

Pomegranates has the highest amount of protein – and a pack of the ready-to-eat fruit costs 89p at Aldi. It offers 2.9% protein and is rich in antioxidants and fibre. It is also an excellent option for cardiovascular health, as its seeds have anti-inflammatory properties.


Guavas are a nutrient-packed, delicious, fibre-filled tropical fruit that helps satisfy the appetite. They contain zero cholesterol and have much less sugar compared to other fruits like apples, oranges and grapes .

The fruit is both refreshing and low in calories. Its high vitamin C content acts as a potent antioxidant. It contains 2.6% protein, making it an excellent option for those who exercise regularly.


This fruit is a great aid for muscle recovery, such as vitamin C and carotenoids. It contains about 2.3% protein, making it excellent for muscle development and a healthy snack for those focused on losing weight.


Contains about 1.3% protein and is high in in vitamin A, essential for eye health. With high water content, it is ideal for keeping the body hydrated.

Oranges andgrapefruits

Both of these citrus fruits contain between 1.2% and 2.3% protein. They are also known for their high vitamin C content, an important antioxidant to strengthen the immune system, combat free radicals, and improve skin health.

Before including these or other fruits in your diet, it is essential to consult with a specialist to ensure their consumption does not have negative effects.