For years, North Americans have been living under the leadership of weak, fiscally irresponsible administrations that have created a chaotic, expensive and dangerous environment. Despite the media focusing on the stress and anxiety associated with leadership change, we can now look forward to secure borders, fiscal responsibility and a reduction in crime and societal problems like homelessness and poverty. The new U.S. leaders have begun the process of reigning in out-of-control spending, extending tax breaks and reducing regulations to encourage economic growth. We are all looking forward to secure borders and immigration reform so we can stop criminals, illegals and possibly terrorists from entering our country. Also, helping our politicians and even our judges understand basic human behaviour and the problems with soft-on-crime policies. The only way to extinguish negative behaviour is to punish it — not reinforce it by letting criminals free to re-offend. Let’s hope in the next election our new leaders follow the U.S. example and create a safe, secure, affordable Canada that reduces the current stressors for the majority of the population and the beginning of a new Golden Age.

John Marshall

(There are many positive initiatives the Trump administration is undertaking particularly on cutting spending, shrinking government and investing in their military. For all the things his administration is doing which seems to be angering some people, Trump telegraphed and campaigned all of it. If we could look past “orange man bad” you would see some significant action)

In a time when Canada is facing its biggest-ever existential crisis, the Liberal Party has shut down government entirely to pander to their own survival and continuance in power. The Liberal Party of Canada should be declared a criminal enterprise like the Mafia or Hells Angels and be forcibly disbanded and all their assets seized and repaid to the people of Canada. They are no longer fit to represent anybody in a country which has such a democratic tradition and aspirations to continue to be a democracy. Canadians need to shed their complacency and understand what is really happening to this once great country of ours.

Robert Jamieson

(Even with a new leader, it’s still Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party since the person likely elected has been right his side propping up his failed policies)