For Rachel Reeves to compare herself to Margaret Thatcher is a gross misrepresentation which will not only accelerate peoples’ concerns but increasingly demonstrate how deluded and inappropriate this person is to manage our nation’s finances.
What I would like to say to Ms Reeves is simple, I knew Margaret Thatcher and had the enormous privilege of meeting her on many occasions and talking to her about the way in which she changed Britain, Rachel you are no Margaret Thatcher!
Margaret realised very early on that radical steps were needed to save Britain from the despondency and financial difficulties which had engulfed this nation in the late 70s.
She realised that Trade Unions and their outrageous demands were an essential part of the problem she took them on and challenged them in the most robust way sometimes enduring huge vilification and denigration for having the temerity of refusing to cave in to these demands which would have crippled the Treasury.
Margaret understood that the only way for our nation to be able to compete internationally was to support business and exporters by reducing taxation whenever possible so that these private sector companies that are the beating heart of our economy could have sufficient resources to invest in their people invest in new modern technology and create products which would compete on the global stage.
Mrs Thatcher also understood that reducing taxation for entrepreneurs was essential to attract them to Britain and to incentivise for indigenous Britons to stay in our country and through their entrepreneurial spirit create the companies and jobs that no government would be able to do no matter what resources at their disposal.

Margaret Thatcher recovered Britain’s international prestige.
Getty Images
Margaret Thatcher demonstrated to millions of people in this country that if you were tough as a politician and prepared to be unpopular with large sections of society if you could make those essential decisions that Britain could turn a corner very quickly and she could start to pay for herself and recover international prestige.
Reeves has done the exact opposite of Thatcher increasing taxation for companies and business investors whilst caving into the demands of Trade Union Bosses who as always are oblivious to the constraints Britain is under and only want to grab as much as they can get for themselves.
We have seen in France and its consequences a country where debts have piled up by the State to unmanageable proportions because of weak politicians caving into demands of Trade Unions and others for high spending and ever higher wages regardless of what is happening around the world with our strongest competitors.
When Margaret Thatcher took office, she quickly started to reduce the top rate of income tax for wealth creators.
She understood that we take a massively disproportionate amount of taxation from the top 1%. Levels of taxation in late 70s for these people were excessive at above 80% at some levels.
Thatcher realised that these people can and do move overseas when governments impose excessive levels of taxation. Her courage in this regard led to many Britons who had fled the country to return and invest creating hundreds of thousands of jobs and creating a new economy which exceeded all expectations.
Today the top 1% pay more than 35% of all tax collected. Think for a minute what would happen to our taxation as ordinary taxpayers if this top 1% left the country. Of course, a result of such an exodus would be much higher taxation for everyone to plug the gap. Already over 350,000 of our top professionals have left Britain to settle in the UAE where personal and corporate taxation is a fraction of what people pay in Britain.
Rachel Reeves by playing the usual Socialist card of let’s tax the rich until the pips squeak is creating a modern-day flight of our wealth creators.
This week our newspapers are full of stories how these entrepreneurs have been scared off by Labour and are finding new jurisdictions around the world where they and their employees can enjoy reasonable levels of taxation.

Rachel Reeves’ £600 million trade deal with China is a humiliation for Britain.
Getty Images
Finally at a time when many countries around the world are starting to wake up to the growing malign influence and excessive domination of Communist China Reeves flies out there to beg for money from this evil Communist dictatorship.
We have thanks to Brexit joined the world’s largest trading block in the Far East the CPTPP and she should be engaging with this block which has hundreds of millions of new middle-class consumers coming on stream every year all hungry for high quality British imports.
Most of the countries within the CPTPP countries like Japan and Australia are fellow democracies and countries that respect human rights and the international rules-based order.
Reeves however ignores these opportunities and instead makes a beeline for China. The pathetic 600 million GBP which she claims she secured is peanuts and a significant humiliation for Britain.
Rachel from accounts is unfortunately not qualified to run our nation’s finances and demonstrates the extraordinary paucity of real talent within the Parliamentary Labour Party.
If this is the best they have then we are in for real trouble over the next 4 years.