This week we said goodbye to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the Democratic party and all of the ills and evils that went with them.
They have lost power completely, they have lost almost total control. They have lost the upper hand in every branch of the American government.
That doesn’t mean it’s going to be an easy ride from here, of course.
Because it is not to say that they will not continue to deploy their various at times unworthy tactics to undermine the ruling Republican Party and especially Trump’s presidency, but at least they don’t have to be listened to as the voice of the American government, at least for the next four years.
And they will take advantage wherever they can, as any political party would. Gaza is a perfect example.
Hamas and its backers in the Arab world took Donald Trump seriously when he threatened that the hostages must be returned by the date of his inauguration. It was the perfect opportunity for Biden and company to push the deal they could not get through before because the Arabs knew that Trump meant business.
Although delayed by some hours, the ceasefire actually started on Sunday but, other than getting the hostages home (and we don’t know how many of them are still alive for sure) it is certainly not a triumphal or popular deal for Israel. Exchanging mainly innocent civilians for vast numbers of actual terrorists and combatants makes no sense at all; it is a bum deal.
But Israel had no choice, the hostages are too important, world public opinion would not wear anything else, and the way the Biden administration and the Democrats pushed their great success as they saw it was not much different than how they invented and tried to present a hopeless Kamala Harris as a superstar not all that long ago.

Hamas does not want a ceasefire, says Roger Gewolb
GB News
But Hamas does not want a ceasefire; it wants to destroy Israel and the Jews, and then all other infidels, so that the whole world operates under their extremist version of Islam. Its vulgar show of force as the first three hostages were being delivered amply demonstrates this.
No matter. The dynamics of the situation in Gaza and similar territories will change dramatically and quickly, I predict.
I believe that Hamas will relatively quickly violate the ceasefire rules in some way and that will be that. President Trump will put his foot down and it won’t be the Democrats’ game at that point anymore.
Biden, Obama and company did everything they could to stop just about every good thing that Trump did during his first term as president and they quite naturally snatched this opportunity as fast as they could and made a mess of it. I actually put the super lame ceasefire deal with Hamas on a par with the nuclear deal that Obama made with Iran some years ago. These people will give away anything to anybody to make it appear that they have been successful in international relations and diplomacy.
Let us hope that as many living hostages can be returned to their families as soon as possible and that President Trump and his team can find a way to make the ceasefire stick. And, if not, at least they are now free to deal with it in a proper manner. I just still can’t get my head around 90 murderers released from prison for one innocent grandmother and more to come.