A doctor has revealed that a common food might be wreaking havoc on our skin.

Dr Raj Arora, who regularly shares valuable health tips online, recently turned her attention to skincare in a TikTok video. She suggested that there are five affordable ways to achieve better skin – one of which involves eliminating a particular food from your diet.

To maintain healthy skin, Dr Arora emphasised the importance of a good lifestyle, highlighting that smoking should be avoided as it can cause the skin to age “rapidly”. Moreover, she pointed out that smoking could promote the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, affecting our complexion more than we might think.

She also mentioned the significance of getting adequate sleep, which allows the skin to rejuvenate overnight and helps prevent wrinkles and dark circles.

Dr Arora said: “Avoid dramatic weight loss. We’re seeing dramatic weight loss, and what we’re seeing is, lots of fine lines and sagging of the skin as we also lose fat in the face. This can result in accelerated ageing. It’s very, very difficult to treat this actually.

“If you’re trying to lose weight, try and go slow and steady. Number four, try to avoid processed foods or additives like added sugar.

“High levels of refined sugars can not only increase inflammation in the skin, trigger things like acne, but it can also give you premature ageing through the process of glycation – the process of weakening your collagen and elasten and causing more fine lines and wrinkles.

“Include fibre into your diet. Studies have shown that increasing your fibre can actually help with collagen production in the skin. Fibre-rich fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that actually help to upregulate your collagen, therefore giving you bouncier, healthier-looking skin.”

Dr Arora emphasised the importance of using sun protection cream regularly. She recommends using at least an SPF 50 to ensure your skin stays protected from the sun.

Why is processed food bad for our skin?

Processed foods can be detrimental to the skin as they can cause inflammation, hormonal imbalances and a deficiency of essential nutrients. A diet high in highly processed food, ready meals and refined carbohydrates can lead to skin issues.

This is because, over time, it can cause mild inflammation in the body and also exacerbate skin problems such as acne.